SEYSARA: AN ORALANTIBIOTIC THAT’S ONTARGET FOR ACNE Not an actual patient, results may vary. Seysara (sarecycline) is active in vitro against most isolates of P. acnes; however, the clinical significance is unknown. P. acnes strains displayed a low propensity for the development of res...
商标名称 SEYSARA 国际分类 第05类-医药 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 46558061 申请日期 2020-05-22 申请人名称(中文) 阿尔米雷尔有限责任公司;ALMIRALL,LLC 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 美国宾夕法尼亚州, 埃克斯顿,鹰视大街707号200座;707 EAGLEVIEW BLVD., SUITE 200, EXTON, PENNSYLVANIA...
SEYSARA has not been evaluated in the treatment of infections [see Clinical Studies (14)]. To reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria as well as to maintain the effectiveness of other antibacterial drugs, SEYSARA should be used only as indicated [see Warnings and Precautions (5.6)]. ...
Paratek制药公司旗下的药物(sarecycline)经美国FDA批准用于治疗9岁以上人群的中重度痤疮。Paratek是一家擅长四环素化学合成和商业化开发的生物制药公司,后来该公司将Seysara在美国的开发和商业化权利独家许可给了Allergan,但保留了Seysara在全球其他地区的商业权利。 Sarecycline是一种窄谱四环素衍生抗生素,该药具有抗炎特性...
Seysara is a prescription medicine used to treat severeacne vulgarisin adults and children who are at least 9 years old. Antibiotics such as Seysara will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections. Using antibiotics when they are not needed increases your risk of getting an infection ...
今年1月,Almirall公司在美国市场推出了Seysara(sarecycline)片剂,用于9岁及以上中度至重度非结节性炎症性寻常痤疮患者的治疗。 Seysara于2018年10月初获批,成为过去40年来第一种专门为皮肤病设计的口服抗生素产品,该药的上市,将为中度至重度痤疮患者提供一种创新的治疗选择。
申请类型 NDA 申请号 209521 药品名称 SEYSARA 活性成分 SARECYCLINE HYDROCHLORIDE 活性成分中文 暂无权限 执行时间 2023-03-31 持有公司 ALMIRALL 说明书 下载 扩展信息 VIP试用医疗器械查询APP下载客服中心常见问题数据可视化数据分析挖掘系统网站地图业务介绍友情链接 400-678-0778 投诉热线:...
美国上市药品目录集提供Seysara的基本信息,包括Seysara的申请号209521,申请类型,活性成分Sarecycline Hydrochloride,中文名称盐酸沙瑞环素,申请机构,批准日期等药品信息,更多美国药品Seysara的信息查询就在戊戌数据美国上市药品数据库.
sar-e-sye-kleen Trade Name(s) Seysara Ther. Class. anti-infectives Pharm. Class. tetracyclines Indications Indications Indications Inflammatory lesions of non-nodular moderate to severe acne vulgaris. Action Action Action Inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the 30S bacterial ribosome. ...
Seysara Ther. Class. anti-infectives Pharm. Class. tetracyclines Indications Indications Indications Inflammatory lesions of non-nodular moderate to severe acne vulgaris. Action Action Action Inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the 30S bacterial ribosome. Therapeutic Effect(s): Reduction in...