必应词典为您提供sexuallyattractive的释义,网络释义: 性感;性感的;
sexually attractive phr. 性感的 sexually matured 性成熟的 attractive price 【经】 相当便宜的价格 attractive education 诱导教育 attractive force 引力 attractive nuisance phr. 诱人的麻烦事物 attractive feature phr. 吸引人的特点 attractive site 可取坝址 attractive designs 款式新颖 attractive and...
Define sexually attractive. sexually attractive synonyms, sexually attractive pronunciation, sexually attractive translation, English dictionary definition of sexually attractive. Adj. 1. sexually attractive - capable of arousing desire; "the delectable
1、a sexually attractive young woman在性别上能吸引人的年青女孩。 2、a well-built sexually attractive man体格健壮、性感迷人的男子。 3、A sexually attractive man with a well-developed physique有魅力的健壮男子肌肉发达的性感的有吸引力的男子 0 纠错/补充 猜你喜欢 liao dynasty造句 1、The gold and ...
sexually attractive 英 [ˈsɛksjʊəli əˈtræktɪv] 美 [ˈsɛkʃuəli əˈtræktɪv]网络 性感的
Prosecutor Aisha Wadoodi asked him: "Why did you sexually assault her if you didn't find her sexually attractive?" He also told the court: "I have no interest in children whatsoever." Man admits abuse of young girl It's thought woman wearing red are more sexually attractive to men, so...
sexually是什么意思、sexually怎么读读音:英[ 'sɛkʃʊəli] 美[]sexually 基本解释adv. 性别地;两性之间地sexually 网络释义adv. 性别地;两性之间地词组短语1、sexually attractive [网络] 性感;性感的 2、sexually transmitted disease n. 性传播(的)疾病(STD); 性病 3、sexually active girljiapan 性...
访问沪江小D查看sexually attractive的更多详细解释>相关短语 chronic pyonephrosis 慢性肾盂积脓 mesonephros (mesonephroi) 中肾 chromatic threshold 色阈 Streptothrix polychromogenes 【医】 产多色链丝菌 through and through 完全;彻底;地地道道;彻头彻尾 chronic urethritis 慢性尿道炎 dichromatic erythrocyte ...
sexually attractive是什么意思 sexually attractive在线翻译 sexually attractive什么意思 sexually attractive的意思 sexually attractive的翻译 sexually attractive的解释 sexually attractive的发音 sexually attractive的同义词 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U ...
参考例子 1.It's the look of love—when female green swordtail fish see attractive adult males, they mature faster sexually, researchers now find. 研究人员目前发现,雌性青剑鱼看到富有魅力的成年雄性时,会出现性早熟,这看起来象是爱的力量所致。