"After all,mysexualorientationwon'tbeinfluencedbyothers,"hesaid. 他说,“毕竟,我的性取向不会单单因为他们而改变。” www.douban.com 9. Shewasescortedtothe VMAsbysoldierswho hadbeenkickedoutofthemilitarybecauseof theirsexualorientation. 她前往VMAS(音乐录像带大奖)时,是由一名因为性态度问题被军队开除的...
大小写变形:Sexual orientation 词态变化 复数:sexual orientations; 实用场景例句 全部 You can write about either gender,sexual orientation, or both. 你可以写关于性别 、 性取向 、 或两者. 互联网 Kirchofer duly kept mum about hersexual orientationat work. ...
什么是性取向(Sexual Orientation)? 刘庆雨 阅读量: 1361人 性取向是指一个人认为异性、同性或两性具有浪漫或性吸引力,以及与之建立亲密关系和性关系的能力。 通常,性取向可分为异性恋(Heterosexual ) 、同性恋 (Gay/Lesbian ) 、双性恋 (Bisexual ) 三类,而无性恋(认为两性均无性吸引力)则有时被视作性取向...
性取向,英文表述为'sexual orientation',是一个描述个人对同性或异性在性方面所吸引的程度和偏好的概念。它是个体内在的一种倾向,影响着个体在情感、浪漫以及性方面的选择和偏好。性取向是多元化且复杂的,不同个体之间的性取向可能存在显著差异。性取向并不仅仅局限于对同性或异性的偏好...
关于性取向(Sexual Orientation) 1、Heterosexuality(异性恋者) 是指只会对异性产生性欲与爱情的人,区别于同性恋,具有异性恋性取向的成员只对与自己性别不同的个体产生性欲与爱慕,同时区别于对两性均有感觉的双性恋。爱慕的对象为异性。 2、Homosexuality(同性恋者)...
The meaning of SEXUAL ORIENTATION is a person's sexual identity or self-identification as bisexual, straight, gay, pansexual, etc. : the state of being bisexual, straight, gay, pansexual, etc.. How to use sexual orientation in a sentence.
sexual expression 性表现 sexual impotence 阳萎 相似单词 sexual a. 1.性的,性别的 2.性行为的,两性的 orientation n. 1.[U]熟悉情况,认识环境,确定方位 bi sexual 双性 cis orientation 顺向定位 marketing orientation 行销导向 meta orientation 间位定向 control orientation 侧重管理 goal orient...
This entry provides an overview of sexual orientation, or an individual's erotic desires and practices, which is frequently referred to as "preference." Sexual orientation is divided into heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and asexual; however, these discrete social categories cannot depict the fluid...
Sexual Orientation AC/DCBisexual; capable of being sexually aroused and satisfied by either sex. This slang term was coined by analogy to an electrical appliance which operates on either alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC). The phrase is often used non-judgment ally and appears to...