Back in 1999, the newly formed Welsh Assembly committed itself to improving the sexual health of the three million population of the principality. Wales at that time had eight consultant genitourinary physicians working in 14 clinics, rather than the 24 suggested by the Royal College of Physicians...
Urine and/or swabs from 856 informed and consented participants attending Welsh sexual health clinics were subjected to MYCO WELL D-ONE analysis, alongside qPCR and culture titration methodologies to determine sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and accuracy. Resistance was confirmed by CLSI-compliant ...
Emergency Medical Clinics of North America, 5, 601–622. Google Scholar Holmstrom, L. L. (1985). The criminal justice system’s response to the rape victim. In A. W. Burgess (Ed.), Rape and sexual assault (pp. 189–198). New York: Garland Publishing. Google Scholar Hunt, M. (...
sexual health and genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics Marie Stopes International – Australia 1-800-003-707 Available 24 hours a day. Dr Marie™ offers the highest quality care for you and your loved ones in family planning and sexual health. Whether you need advice or just a quick chat, ...
Young people would like to choose the gender of the health worker and ideally there would be ‘men only’ clinics in addition to clinics for females. Certain Summary Many young people enjoy safe consensual sexual relationships; however, the sexual health of young people continues to be a ...
“Postnatal cytomegalovirus infection through human milk in preterm infants: Transmission, clinical presentation, and prevention.” Clinics in perinatology 44.1 (2017): 121-130. Kagan, Karl Oliver, et al. “Prevention of maternal-fetal transmission of CMV by hyperimmunoglobulin (HIG) administered after...
Clinicians need to be sensitive to the fact that a significant proportion of patients attending GUM services may have been sexually assaulted either in the present or the past and the impact that this may have on health care usage. GUM clinics maybe ideally placed to provide medical and ...
The term 'healthcare contexts' in this report describes child sexual abuse that occurred in healthcare organisations and institutions or was perpetrated by healthcare professionals. This includes hospitals, psychiatric institutions,1 clinics and general practitioner (GP) practices. Healthcare professionals ...
Family planning has been seen as part of the midwife’s role for almost three decades in the UK. In 1973, the World Health Organisation (WHO) proposed that family planning should be regarded as a regular and integral part of nursing and midwifery functions rather than a separate entity. A ...
"Working with nurses from sexual health clinics, we learned that digital services should act in addition to clinical visits, not replace them. In our research, we found that face-to-face assessment was often necessary, but digital engagement enabled the nurses to build trust to facilitate in-pe...