Managers and supervisors must be given additional specialized training on how to properly handle cases of sexual harassment. The final step is setting up a process for when sexual harassment occurs: handling complaints, investigations, and corrective measures. Who Needs to Comply with Sexual Harassment...
CALIFORNIA COURSES HERE! Returning Students & Trainers Start Here LOGIN HERE We now offer two versions of the training, both of which cover all topics mandated by the laws in New York, Delaware, Illinois and Maine that require sexual harassment training. Slightly different in style, but similar...
We provide in-person workforce trainings such as sexual harassment training in both English and Spanish. Prevent a costly lawsuit today.
California harassment training requirements include: Non-supervisory employees must receive an hour of training every two years. Supervisory employees must receive two hours of training every two years. Training must include practical examples of harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, and...
Sexual harassment is a crime. It is possible to go to jail for committing this crime, and prison sentences can occur. It is also possible to be put on the sexual predator list when convicted for workplace sexual harassment. Workplace Harassment Training for Supervisors ...
California Mandates Sexual Harassment Training For Supervisorsaddress the California Supreme Court's recent decision in the Sav-On case,which involved the propriety of class-action treatment for wage and hourclaims.Governor Arnold Schwarzeneggerremedies available ...
California law mandates all California employers with 5 or more employees, including temporary employees and independent contractors, to comply with the state’s sexual harassment prevention training requirements. One hour of training is required annually for all employees, while two hours of training ar...
prevention of sexual harassment; employer responsibilities, liability, and obligations; employee responsibilities; types of sexual harassment claims; behavior that is considered sexual harassment; the steps one should take if they are being sexually harassed; and the EEOC’s role in sexual harassment ...
Southern California SEXUAL HARASSMENT & PERSONAL INJURY LAWYER Citizens of Southern California need to know their rights and options when it comes to personal injury and sexual harassment lawsuits. The law office of Marc D. Mabile has been practicing in the San Diego and Los Angeles area since 19...
Workplace Harassment Training for Employees 3 chapters | 19 lessons Ch 1. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for... Ch 2. Types of Workplace Harassment Ch 3. Harassment Policies & Procedures for Employees Harassment Complaint Procedure for Employees 4:40 Ensuring Privacy in the Harassment Co...