do not have to file a complaint with both agencies. Once you file a complaint with DFEH, they will cross-file your complaint with the EEOC. If you are a federal employee, DEFH does not have jurisdiction over your sexual harassment claim – you will need to file a complaint with the ... is a provider of training services designed to satisfy the California S.B. 1343 sexual harassment training requirements.
While training design choices seem amoral, they interact to determine training (in)effectiveness, potentially harming/benefiting trainees and organizations. These moral implications intensify when training is administered at scale (e.g., e-training) and focuses on social issues like sexual harassment (h...
The items above must also be outlined in a written notice that is delivered to each employee. Between the training courses and the hand outs, employees should have knowledge of what sexual harassment and abusive conduct are, how to file a claim if they are victim of harassment or ab...
Alongside the DFEH, an unnamed “Jane Doe” has filed a lawsuit against Activision Blizzard over sexual harassment and discrimination. Finally, the company faces a lawsuit from the family of an Activision Blizzard employee who died by suicide in 2017. Activision Blizzard has been embroiled in a ...