If you are assaulted, or if you find yourself in a situation that feels unsafe, it is not your fault. Sexual assault is never the victim's fault, no matter what she was wearing, drinking, or doing at the time of the assault. You can't prevent sexual assault, but you can take steps...
Sexual Assault Statistics There are a wealth of resources out there to educate individuals on sexual assault. These resources educate individuals on how often sexual assault takes place, prevention tips, and related topics. These statistics and tips help us to spread awareness of the dangers of sex...
According to statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a sexual assault is estimated to happen in the United States every 68 seconds, with the number of rapes and sexual assaults recorded nationwide growing from 93,000 in 2006 to 139,815 in 2019. According to research, those who h...
and one in five female students told an anonymous survey that they had experienced unwanted sexual contact, The Associated Press has learned.A Pentagon report on reported assaults at the Army, Navy and Air Force academies shows an overall 18% jump in assaults reported...
The Indian film industry has been criticized for perpetuating an environment for sexual violence, but little research has analyzed whether Hindi films provide a script for engaging in sexual assault that may perpetuate such violence. In this article, we employed script and sexual scripts theory to ...
recidivism (crimes against the sexual integrity according the Swiss criminal code such as rape, indecent assault or sexual acts with children under the age of 16) and a variable coding nonsexual violent recidivism (according the Swiss penal code such as robbery, assault, acts of physical ...
Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, proportions, and numerical summary measures were used to describe the data. Binary logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify factors associated with the utilization of SHR. Variables with a p-value less than 0.25 in bivariable analyses were a ...
Sexual assault statistics from the Republic of Ireland for 2004 -2005. Med Sci Law 2008;48:142 - 7McDermott S, McBride B, Gorman M. Sexual assault statistics from the Republic of Ireland for 2004-2005. Medicine Science and Law 2008; 48(2): 142- 47...
When the survivor of a sexual assault seeks medical care, in addition to addressing their medical needs, their forensic needs must also be addressed. This is best achieved by a specialist examiner, who is trained to conduct a Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE). When the examiner is a...
Department of Health, Home Office, Association of Chief Police Officers (2009) Revised National Service Guide – a resource for developing sexual assault referral centers. DH, London. Available at Website:http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_...