WASHINGTON, April 30 (Xinhua) -- As many as 6,769 sexual assault cases in the U.S. military were reported in fiscal year ending on Sept. 30, 2017, up about 10 percent from 6,172 reported in the previous year, according to a Pentagon annual report released on Monday. These cases invo...
Cases of reported sexual assault in the military keep rising, but you wouldn’t think so if you look at how many suspected perpetrators actually end up being tried, much less punished for their alleged crimes. The services charged fewersuspected sexual assault perpetratorswi...
doi:urn:uuid:097ca9227f01d410VgnVCM100000d7c1a8c0RCRDDenunciations of sexual assault in the U.S. Armed Forces shot up 11 percent in 2014 over the previous year to 6,131, due to policies encouraging those in uniform to report such offenses, the Pentagon said Friday.Fox News Lat...
aThe top prosecutor for sexual assault cases in the US army has been suspended over allegations of sexual misconduct made by female army lawyer. Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Morse is accused of groping and trying to kiss the woman who worked for him at a conference on sexual assault. No charges...
involves vignettes and role-playing to instruct troops on proper behavior and what to do if something bad starts to happen. He said that at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri, where the program is in use, the number of sexual assault cases to date this fiscal year is about half of wha...
In December, lawmakers passed the National Defense Authorization Act which included an overhaul of the military justice system. It would take decisions on whether to prosecute cases of rape and sexual assault out of the hands of military commanders, though activists have said it d...
When looking for a sexual assault attorney in Fremont, it pays to choose one that has proven experience. Our Fremont sex offender defense lawyers have several decades of combined experience, and they are extensively knowledgeable about Fremont courts and laws. Depending on the precise charges that...
Different states use the terms “sexual assault” and “sexual abuse” in different ways. Both are typically crimes, though. Sexual abuse is often a sex offense committed on a child, while victims of sexual assault are typically adults. They can also bot
This article aims to review the growing literature on male sexual assault victims. Specifically, the review will examine the literature on male victims of sexual assault in nine sections: (a) an overview of male sexual assault, (b) male rape myths, (c) prevalence, (d) responses to male ...
“Tonic immobility” hinders the ability to fight and is linked to high rates of depression and PTSD