doi:10.1097/00001163-199210000-00003Lori D. FrasierVirginia BarchmanRandell C. AlexanderInfants and young childrenFrazier LD, Barchman V, Alexander RC. Physical and behavioral signs of sexual abuse in infants and toddlers. Infants and Young Children 1992;5:1-12....
I hope to shed a little light on what to look out for. Some of these things might not be anything to worry about, but they might also be warning signs of abuse.
The low chance of children’s disclosure makes it essential for adults to watch for signs and ask questions. Sibling sexual abuse has long-term negative impacts on mental, physical, and relationship health. Dafna Tener’s research has shown that even behavior perceived by children at th...
It has a profound effect on its victims and includes forced prostitution as well as child sexual exploitation. Victims are increasingly being groomed through the internet and mobile technology, as well as face to face. Signs of child sexual exploitation and the responsibility of everyone to ...
Gender identity is also intimately linked with gender roles: the behaviours and attitudes a given society considers acceptable and appropriate for individuals based on their sex as male or female [12, 14]. Consequentially, there are often notable variations in the attitudes and behaviours perceived ...
Despite significant rates of risk behaviours, most participants perceived themselves to be at little risk of contracting HIV. Effective HIV prevention programmes targeted at this group are urgently needed and are likely to be a cost-effective step in curtailing the spread of HIV in the region. ...
The Canada Criminal Code now uses the term "Sexual Assault"--it has a broader meaning and encompasses all aspects of sexual abuse.Signs:Signs of abuse must be assessed in combinations; no one sign is enough to indicate that abuse has or is taking place.I cannot give you guidance about ...
The survey was administered by a fieldworker who read the questions to the participant and entered the participants answers on the tablet. Sensitive questions regarding sexuality, SRH as well as gender-based violence and substance abuse were read by the fieldworker and the tablet was given to ...
Studies in the US have shown that rejection and abusive relationships with parents can cause a chain of events including running away, engaging in substance abuse or high-risk sexual behaviours that can all lead to sexual exploitation (Wolfe et al., 2018; Chohaney, 2016). Nicholls et al. (...
A couple, or at most a few, of the men appear to have grown up in relatively stable and secure environments. Nonetheless, there are sometimes signs that might suggest things were not quite right. Bjarnar grew up in a seemingly safe and normal family, but was exposed to sexual abuse out...