While there are some very real concerns regarding the non-consensual sharing of images beyond the intended recipient and abuse received by victims as a result, a lot of safeguarding guidance and public opinion centres on the fact that if young people engage in these activities they are breaking ...
We conducted this RoR using methods that were consistent with the key principles outlined in published guidance, for example Pollock et al. 2016 [45] and 2020 [46]. This RoR is limited by the specific focus adopted in individual reviews, and the quality of reporting on primary studies and t...
Now 20 hours of RSE lessons, all ready for new Statutory Guidance for Sex Education (RSE) - 75x resources total- STIs, Puberty, Sexuality, Consent, Same Sex relationships, Transgender PSHE, pregnancy, domestic violence, date rape, sexual harrassment, coercive and controlling relationshps, love,...
You can't make friends for your kid, but you can offer comfort, guidance, and opportunities. Friends 3 Min Read Fitting in Versus Belonging Asking ourselves questions about how we feel when we’re with a group can distinguish anxious trying to fit in from genuine belonging. More from...
Why Cyber Bully? Feelings of anger, revenge or frustration. You ever go home and want to write something online because of something that happened at school? Entertainment Power-hungry Preventing Cyber Bullying Parents School Police Keep personal information ...
Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :) Or you can check out some of our most popular PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources below: Mental Health PSHE Bundle 1 Whole Year of PSHE Resources British Values Citizenship Bundle ...
(2018). Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education, Department for Education Guidance for governing bodies, proprietors, head teachers, principals, senior leadership teams, teachers. https://consult.education.gov.uk/pshe/relationships-education-rse-health-...
Some interviews were held virtually on MS Teams and some in-person in the author's academic office when rules around socially distanced permitted in-person interviews (in line with university guidance). Focus groups lasted around 1-h, with adolescents reflect- ing together about what happened in...