Free Essay: Going to an all-schools girl’s school for over half of my life, I thought I would be immune to sexism at school and in my activities until I...
Sexism in Schools 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 609 作者:C Leaper,CS Brown 摘要: Sexism is gender-based prejudice or discrimination. As with other forms of prejudice and discrimination, it functions to maintain status and power differences between groups in society. One manifestation of ...
J. Alpert
Girls are less likely to take math and science courses and to participate inspecial or gifted programs(us high schools have special classes for gifted students. talented students may leaveordinaryclasses and be put into this giftededucation)in these subjects, even if they have a talent for them...
they are unsuited with their academic self-concept. Children’s academic success is based on many factors including their parents, peers, and teachers. As stated before, there have been many findings of sexist acts and teachings within Christian schools especially Christian middle schools. In ...
•Firstbook:SexisminSchoolandSociety(1973)•Aco-authoredwork:FailingatFairness:HowAmerica’sSchoolsCheatGirls(1994)•MyraSadkerDay:adaydedicatedtoliberatingthepossibilitiesthatexistinthemindsandheartsofchildren 2.DavidSadkerprofessoratTheAmericanUniversityandhastaughtattheelementary,middleschoolandhighschool...
In short, boys receive more of the teacher's attention. One reason boys receive more attention is that they simply do not fit well into the classroom environment. Through staffing practices, as well as interaction patterns and teacher expectations, schools continually send messages to children that...
This handbook was written for readers aware of and concerned about the sex bias in public schools in the areas of athletic budgets, sex stereotyping in children's books, differential expectations in classroom behavior, counseling attitudes and practices, school personnel assignments, and the impact of...
The article provides an analysis of one of the schools, where the fieldwork showed gender to be frequently on the agenda. In particular, girls confronted what they deemed to be sexist and derogatory remarks from male classmates. Teachers were also seen to comment on gender during lessons and ...
Discussing discrimination: children's construction of sexism between pupils in primary schools, in «British Journal of Sociology of Education», XVIII, 4, pp. 519-532. GASPERONI G.Franci Beky (1997): "Discussing discrimination: children's construction of sexism between pupils in primary school...