Example Sentences A Housewife can throw expert-level shade, but so can Windey, who follows it up by dragging the patriarchy, misogyny and sexism in her popular podcast, “Long Winded.” FromLos Angeles Times The incident gave momentum to a Me Too-style movement in the Spanish women's game...
Example Sentences Cricket Scotland is in the process of implementing hundreds of recommendations from both the racism and sexism reviews. FromBBC Commenters accused the club of sexism, called for an apology, and even said they would not be continuing to attend matches at the club going forward. ...
The meaning of SEXISM is prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially : discrimination against women. How to use sexism in a sentence.
The meaning of SEXISM is prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially : discrimination against women. How to use sexism in a sentence.
Thereareexamplestakenfromthedictionary: (1)amanofletters (2)Allmenmustdie. (3)Manismortal. (4)Beaman! (5)Toplaytheman. Intheabovesentencesorphrases,“man”and“men”areusedgenericallytorefertobothmaleandfemale. Nevertheless,variousstudieshavesoughttoshowtheproblemsthatariseforwomenfromtheuseofthe...
"Avoiding Sexist Language", by Jennifer Klein explains the ways writers may improve trite sexist sentences. Avoiding sexist language remains an important factor in writing professional documents. For many sexist language may be a normal way of writing. This persists because of daily verbal language....
People often meet such sentences during our study and daily life: “any patient is free to bring his complaint to me if he feels aggrieved”, “we hope the reader will use his own judgment”, “everyone should hand his homework tomorrow”. From the above examples, it is clear that the ...
students, I sympathise with the clear double standards that are in play. The same double standards that sees female teachers often hug students and have them on their lap. The same double standards that gives female teachers lesser sentences for the same heinous crimes as their male counterparts...
B. Use we/us/our to revise former sentences Sexist: From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Revised: From each of us according to our abilities, to each of us according to our needs. C. Use the second-person pronouns Sexist: No man knows his true ...
This article gives examples of the unequal and inadequate treatment of women in prison in Victoria, Australia, and then takes four policy issues which have negative consequences for women. Analysis of female prison populations points to the need for non-custodial sentences, affirmative action in ...