Seesexismin the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySeesexismin the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English Check pronunciation:sexism 我们重视您的隐私 我們及我們的810合作夥伴會在您的裝置上儲存和存取個人資料,例如瀏覽資料或唯一識別碼。選擇「接受」將啟用追蹤技術,以支持「我們及合作夥伴處理資料以提供...
Katherine Connor Martin, told me that watching men’s-rights activists defend the dictionary was, for her, “not a proud moment.” Oxford ultimately tweeted an apology, with a promise to review the “rabid” example sentence, but made no public mention of “shrill,”“psyche... 2022. sexuality noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation, and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at [online] Available at: Did you like this example? Yes No Essay on Sexism in ‘The Odyssey’ ...
19、ferent areas define sexism in different perspectives: according to the new oxford dictionary of english, it means “unfair or unreasonable discrimination between the sexes, unreasonable maintaining of traditional sexual roles” 1. therefore, sexism is a system of beliefs and practices that affirm ...
OXFORD ADVANCED LEARER’S English-Chinese Dictionary gives the "sexism" explanation: "the unfair treatment of people, especially women, because of their sex" (Hornby 2000: 1593). Longman Dictionary definition is "gender-based discrimination, in particular the bias of the male to female." ...
Ⅰ. A Definition to Sexism in English Language Sexism in the Oxford Advanced Learner‘s English-Chinese dictionary it means that disapproving action based on the ideas or belief that the members of one sex are less intelligent able and skillful etc than the members of the other sex especially ...
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation defines Sexism as the discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women. Sexism is the belief that one sex is not as good, clever, etc. as the other, especially when this results in unfair ...
2. A Definition to Sexism in English Language Sexism, in the Oxford advanced learner’s English-Chinese dictionary, it means that disapproving action based on the ideas or belief or that the members of one sex are less intelligent, able, and skillful, etc, than the members of the other ...
Seesexismin the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySeesexismin the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English Check pronunciation:sexism 我们重视您的隐私 我們及我們的787合作夥伴會在您的裝置上儲存和存取個人資料,例如瀏覽資料或唯一識別碼。選擇「接受」將啟用追蹤技術,以支持「我們及合作夥伴處理資料以提供...