The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (Commencement) Order 1975doi:1975 No. 1845 (C. 51)介绍性文本1.本命令可引称为《性别歧视法》.2.在本命令中,凡提述该法之处均为a.3.但第4(1)条另有规定者除外,6和7.4.(1)法案第8(6)节(修正案5.法案第22和25节6.法案第53节(委员会的设立和职责)7.法案...
1975年,英国实施了《性别歧视法案》(Sex Discrimination Act),为女性权益提供了法律保障。1986年英国首次在法律上确 …|基于21个网页 3. 反性别歧视法案 他说,“但我可以对《反性别歧视法案》(Sex Discrimination Act)进行修订,因为这相对简单。但我无法在收到参议院委员会 … ...
standing totheSexDiscriminationActadopted in the United Kingdoms in protection of women's dignity and fights. 早在九㆒年立法 局辯論婦女的社會經濟㆞位時,本㆟已經建議政府應盡早制訂類似英國性別歧視法的法例,保障婦女的尊嚴和權益。
:The article discusses a court case wherein the Inner House of the Scottish Court of Session ruled that dismissal of Roderick MacDonald from the Royal Air Force on the basis of his sexual orientation did not constitute unlawful sex discrimination under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (SDA). In...
Childs, Sarah (2002b), `The Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Act 2002 and its implications.' Representation, vol.39, no.2, pp.83-93Childs, S. (2003) `The Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Act and its implications', Representation, 39:2, 83-92....
Nejaime also notes that: “Lawrence constitutes a crucial moment in the developing shift toward recognizing that unequal treatment of same-sex relationships is unconstitutional sexual orientation discrimination” (p. 1218). A connection between same-sex relationships and lesbian and gay equality is ...
, as well as a more time-consuming and less transparent conciliation process than has historically been the case in the industrial relations jurisdiction.5 Problems with legislative awareness and enforcement have also emerged in specific areas such as sexual harassment and pregnancy discrimination.6...
Social Science Electronic PublishingSmith B (2006b) A regulatory analysis of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth): Can it effect equality or only redress harm? In: Arup C, Gahan P, Howe J, et al. (eds) Labour Law and Labour Market Regulation - Essays on the Construction, Constitution ...
This paper shows that although the Equal Employment Act was established for 30 years since the enactment of the 1987 Act, many provisions of the Sex Discrimination in Employment Act(SDEA) have not been applied to the development of interpretation. First, in the case of the prohibition of direc...
thus continuing formation and maintenance of the male gonad. This eventually leads to testosterone production after the testes are fully formed. Sex hormones then act on different tissues throughout the body to produce secondary sex differences. Mammal sex determination can therefore be seen as a tw...