However, sex cells (egg and sperm cells) are produced via meiosis. The process of meiosis creates cells with only one copy of each chromosome, as opposed to the usual two copies. Answer and Explanation: The correct answer i...
U and V sex chromosomes are found in organisms with haploid GSD [4,7]. As mentioned in the introduction, cells from neuter diploid individuals undergo meiosis to produce haploid U-bearing female and V-bearing male gametophytes (Fig.1C). U and V chromosomes have a larger effective population...
Conclusions/Significance: The threads superficially resemble flagella, in that both are produced by male gametes and contain microtubules. However, one striking difference is that threads cannot beat or undulate and have no motility of their own, and they do not bear mastigonemes. Threads are ...
For example, three significant groups of male-specific blast cells give rise to the male mating structures49. Our list of male-enriched genes could point to additional genes that are involved in the regulation of male identity. The almost complete male-biased expression of neuronal genes could ...
In which cells are the male sex hormones produced? Testosterone: The male sex hormone, known as testosterone, is produced within the testes of a physically mature male. This hormone regulates the growth and development of the male reproductive system and allows for the production of sperm cells...
In AD, large-scale GWAS revealed that many risk genes are specifically expressed or enriched in microglia and myeloid cells in the periphery.89 Whole-genome sequencing studies led to the discovery of rare variants of TREM2, a transmembrane receptor highly expressed in microglia and myeloid cells,...
d Quantification of Nk3R-positive cells in the CeA of adult and prepubertal males and prepubertal and adult females across the cycle (n = 4 per group). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. Main effect treatment, main effect CS, and CSxTreatment interaction were analyzed using ...
DMRTA2 regulates cells expressing pro-opiomelanocortin (pomc55), which is differentially expressed between migratory forms of rainbow trout45 and Atlantic salmon59. DMRTA2 and pomc are also differentially expressed in rx3 mutant zebrafish60, resulting in disrupted circadian rhythm48. Two other genes ...
The first stage of meiosis leads to the formation of two cells called secondary spermatocytes. Conversely, the second stage of meiosis leads to four cells or spermatids. However, both the secondary spermatocytes and the spermatids are haploid....
Androgen regulation of secretory component synthesis by lacrimal gland acinar cells in vitro. J Immunol. 1990; 145: 4238–4244. CAS PubMed Google Scholar Hann LE, Kelleher RS, Sullivan D.A. Influence of culture conditions on the androgen control of secretory component production by acinar cells...