sewing Wanted sewing,Uncategorized Chardon & Flamingoes sewing Puttin’ a bird on it sewing And now for something a bit different sewing Indigo Gingers sewing Sewing for the husband: Colette Negroni Mk II
Curious Marc Takes On Sewing Machine Repair November 4, 2021byAdam Fabio29 Comments Even the most talented engineers can be stymied by simple repair projects. In this case,repairing a broken sewing machine has [CuriousMarc] all tangled up.[Marc] is probably best known as a part of the team...
So when you are in a rush to make a new toddler dress or repair a hole in some leggings, your children won’t be waiting around for a slow sewing machine. Pros Automatic needle threader Snap on presser feet Lightweight and includes a built-in carrying handle Cons Sometimes has issues ...
Featuring 23 stitch choices, this machine will be versatile enough to handle projects ranging from clothing repair to quilt-making. Most sewers only use a few stitches religiously, and the speed of the machine will more than make-up for the lack of 100s of elegant stitching choices. One feat...
I am lucky that we have an incredible sewing machine dealer + repairshop in the area, so I brought it to him and he was able to get everything fixed and back to normal by the next morning! I can’t even tell y’all how much I love my dealer – highly recommend them if you are...
machine at home. And I hate basting with thread. It just doesn’t work well for me. So I’ve grown to love mycurved basting pins.I lay my quilt out across several banquet-sized tables and I don’t have to crawl around the floor. It works for me. So…I never have enough of ...
My theory: if I’m machine sewing, I spend 2-3 minutes pressing for every 1 minute sewing, for a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio of pressing to sewing. Some results, with me sewing and pressing at a comfortable pace, not zipping along at industrial speeds. 70″ petticoats for toddlers: pressing ...
of fibreboard and a spring clip, which works well on the original flat twin cable but doesn’t work at all on anything else. It’s also a pig to remove and replace, unless you’re privy to a secret technique handed down across the generations by horny-handed sewing machine repair men....
From the time I was five years old, she allowed me to use her sewing machine. I made a lot of clothes for my dolls until the age of ten when I began sewing my own clothes. My favourite things to sew are coats, jackets and dresses. My favourite fabrics are made of natural fibers....
When you sew, make your self as attractive as possible. Put on a clean dress. Keep a little bag full of French chalk near your sewing machine to dust your fingers at intervals. Have your hair in order, powder and lipstick put on. If you are constantly fearful that a visitor will drop...