The Outfall Sewershed (OS) is the most downstream sewershed in the City of Baltimore (City) that is tributary to the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant. As such, all of the City's sewersheds in the Back River WWTP service area are tributary to the OS. In all, the OS conveys...
This study seeks to address this challenge by using monitoring data from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to derive correlations between known sewershed characteristics and rainfall derived inflow and infiltration. Results show that pipe length per acre, number of parcels, and medium intensity land use are ...
Longitudinal monitoring of sewershed resistomes in socioeconomically diverse urban neighborhoodsUnderstanding factors associated with antimicrobial resistance (AMR) distribution across populations is a necessary step in planning mitigation measures. While associations between AMR and socioeconomic-status (SES), ...
approach was used to satisfy the following objectives: The sewershed approach and the developed model allowed the determination of the optimum operating conditions by maximizing in鈥搇ine storage while meeting all required constraints (e.g., overflow, pumping capacity, control flow devices, sewer ...
Overall, we found that while I&I can diminish biomarker signals throughout a sewershed, including at WWTP influent, I&I impacts vary depending on the target, and pathogen biomarker signals were, on average, higher and less variable over time at the WWTP compared to most up-sewer sites. As...
Infiltration-based green infrastructure and related retrofits for sewershed-level rainfall and stormwater volume capture (e.g., rain gardens, cisterns, etc.) are increasingly being recognized as management options to reduce stormwater volume contribution into combined sewer systems. A hybrid approach ...
FLOOD REMEDIATION PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROJECT FILE REPORT Sewershed Study Area 30Xcg Consultants LtdXCG Consultants Ltd. (2008). Flood remediation plan, environmental assessment project file report: Sewershed study area 30. Toronto: City of Toronto....
Detroit Water And Sewer Bonds Shed Junk Status.Detroit's old water and sewer debt is now investment-grade across the board for the first time since the city left bankruptcy. [ FROM AUTHOR]ShieldsYvetteEBSCO_bspBond Buyer
County takes big step to shed Hermits Lake sewer systemRich James, Staff Writer
This study evaluates how the introduction of such upstream technologies affects the treatment efficiency and economics of nutrient management across a sewershed. Employing treatment technologies upstream from the centralized plant that receives highly loaded municipal wastewater could reduce nitrogen loading to...