复数:sewers 同义词 n. drain,septic tank,cesspit,cesspool,open drain 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 阴沟;污水管道;下水道;排水管 2. 缝纫机 3. 缝纫者;缝工;成衣师 4. (中世纪贵族宅第中的)司饍管家[家仆] v. 1. 从...排污水 2. 在...开阴沟;装设下水道于...
Sewering橘子化妆朗文词典回到顶部基本解释同根派生英汉例句 基本解释 泽韦林 同根派生 Sewering相关词 英汉例句 The sewer is choked up with rubbish. 下水道被垃圾堵住了。 The sewer in the toilet was blocked. 卫生间的下水道堵住了。 She became the best sewer in the factory. 她成了该厂最好的缝纫...
sewering泽韦林 释义常用度 泽韦林临近词 sewer rehabilitation sewers and embroiderers Sewers in a conservation area. sewer sewer inspection and assessment sewer gas poisoning sewer rinsing apparatus sewer cleasing sludge sewer inspection pit sewer pumping station sewer pipe hole slot...
#theArtOfSewering Login/Sign up news Powerful, Complete, Scientific, Cost Effective iDrawlix® allows you to managestormwater, combined or separated sewer networks. It's fully supported by a built-in Geographical Information System (GIS) engine. Sanitary and Runoff Pollutants are considered for ...
Sewering橘子化妆朗文词典回到顶部相关单词临近词 相关单词 临近词sewer, sewer gas poisoning, sewer rehabilitation, sewer pipe hole slot, sewer inspection pit, sewer cleasing sludge, sewer pumping station, sewers and embroiderers, sewer rinsing apparatus, sewer inspection and assessment, Sewers in a ...
H2O INSTRUMENT E.I.R.L. 港口 1 Top Port PERU 联系信息 Sewering Espa?a Sewering Espa?a 提单记录 获取供应商完整的出口记录 更新:2021-05-29 概述 提单记录 进口商 关于 全部提单记录 1 数据范围 付费会员可见 1个月 3个月 6个月 1年
UT 830管道定位仪 所属品牌:德国SEWERIN(竖威) 管道及防腐层检测:管线定位仪- 010-68940148(点击拨打电话) 400-894-0148(点击拨打电话)产品介绍 技术参数 相关附件 技术支持 德国SEWERIN UT 830管道定位仪由爱仪器仪表网代理,本产品是用途广泛、可靠的管道位置定位仪。现在热卖中,如需购买,可通过ai1718.com的...
Sewering橘子化妆朗文词典回到顶部常见例句 常见例句 The sewer is choked up with rubbish. 下水道被垃圾堵住了。 The sewer in the toilet was blocked. 卫生间的下水道堵住了。 She became the best sewer in the factory. 她成了该厂最好的缝纫工。 A sewer or drain crossing under a road or ...