1600年後,出現了“用於廢水的地下通道”的意義,並占主導地位,尤其是“公共排水溝; 用於排放廢水的渠道或運河”。這一詞的比喻用法可追溯到1640年代。Sewer rat指的是當污染下水道時的普通褐鼠,始於1861年。 也來自:c. 1400 sewer(n.2) "縫紉或使用針的人",14世紀後期,來自sew(v.)的代詞名詞。中世紀14世...
Definition of sewer in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is sewer? Meaning of sewer as a finance term. What does sewer mean in finance?
1600年后,出现了“用于废水的地下通道”的意义,并占主导地位,尤其是“公共排水沟; 用于排放废水的渠道或运河”。这一词的比喻用法可追溯到1640年代。Sewer rat指的是当污染下水道时的普通褐鼠,始于1861年。 同样来自于: c. 1400 sewer(n.2) "缝纫或使用针的人",14世纪后期,来自sew(v.)的代词名词。中世纪...
Definition of Sewer in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Sewer? Meaning of Sewer as a legal term. What does Sewer mean in law?
Definition of sewer gas in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is sewer gas? Meaning of sewer gas as a legal term. What does sewer gas mean in law?
After c. 1600 the sense of "underground channel for wastewater" emerged and predomination, especially "a public drain; a conduit or canal constructed to carry off waste water, etc." Figurative use of this is from 1640s.Sewer rat, the common brown rat when infesting sewers, is from 1861. ...
The confidence intervals in Figures 2 and 3 are quite wide for most of the variable values, meaning there is a lot of variation in the impact of specific variable values have on pipe condition. In general, the confidence intervals are narrower for the most important variables. 3.4. Model ...
In general, the pump capacity is limited (in the Netherlands, the capacity is circa 0.7 mm/h), meaning that during (extreme) storm events most of the water is drained via CSOs. Because water can flow both to pumping stations as well as to CSO, the flow direction can revolve. For the...
Before using the sustainability ranking to support or justify decision making, stakeholders should verify that the meaning of weights in the analysis is consistent with their initial intentions expressed during the weighing workshop. The WSM method implemented on a worksheet is transparent and therefore...