必应词典为您提供sewelconvention的释义,网络释义: 斯威尔协定;塞维尔会议;塞维尔协议;
Constitutional change and territorial consent: The Miller Case and the Sewel ConventionBrexitScotlandSewel ConventionMiller caseDiscusses the arguments relating to the Sewel Convention in R (Miller) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union.Aileen McHarg...
Define sewel. sewel synonyms, sewel pronunciation, sewel translation, English dictionary definition of sewel. n a type of scarecrow made from feathers and used to prevent deer from entering an area Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 1
member of the State constitutional convention in 1853; secretary of the State board of education 1855-1861; member of the board of overseers of Harvard University 1850-1860; member of the peace convention of 1861 held in Washington, D.C., in an effort to devise means to prevent the impendi...
北京民航国际会议中心CAMIC International Convention Center 北京民航国际会议中心位于北京朝阳区花家地东路,中国民航管理干部学院内,近广顺南大街,地处东四环望京核心区域,地理位置得天独厚。 北京享筑繁星主题帐篷酒店 - 双顶帐篷 麗枫酒店(北京亦庄次渠地铁站店) - 餐厅 ...
The legislative consent convention forms one of a number of conventions that underpin the UK鈥檚 uncodified constitution and has been an important facet of the UK鈥檚 territorial governance post鈥恉evolution. It provides that the UK government will not normally seek to legislate on devolved matters...