Welcome to a breathtaking land shaped by glaciers, nestled between mountains and the ocean. Visit Seward, Alaska today.
Adventure Sixty North offers fully-outfitted and guided sea kayaking tours, day trips, multi-day and expedition adventures in Seward, Alaska. Book online today!
在Alaska的冬季自由行中,倒数第二站来到了Seward,这个被誉为“永远的不冻港”。尽管冬季无法进入Kenai Fjord national park,无法徒步Harding Ice Field Trail,也无法在Exit Glacier感受冰川的壮丽,但Seward依然有着它独特的魅力。Seward的清晨在冬季显得格外宁静,海边的光晕带着一丝神秘感,与夏季的阳光灿烂形成鲜明对比。...
🍁十月下旬,阿拉斯加的淡季,却有着别样的魅力。我们从Anchorage出发,前往Seward,一路上风景如画。🌟Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center是必经之地,这里散养着各种野生动物。虽然园内维护一般,但栈道上的风景却让人流连忘返。秋冬季节的风大而冷,但冰川湖的景色依然壮丽。🍽️The Cookery是Seward的网红餐厅,虽然...
Situated at the head of Resurrection Bay on the Kenai Peninsula, Seward is one of Alaska’s most scenic communities. Nestled between Chugach National Forest and Kenai Fjords National Park, come experience trophy sport fishing, glacier and wildlife cruises, sailing, hiking, kayaking, flightseeing, ...
Seward, Alaska daily fishing charters for halibut, salmon, lingcod and rockfish. Rated 5-stars on TripAdvisor.
Alaska SeaLife Center Seward Unlock the mysteries of Alaska's rich and diverse marine ecosystem at this renowned education, research, and wildlife rehabilitation facility. Learn More > Kenai Fjords Northwestern Fjord Cruise Cruise into the farthest coastal reaches of Kenai Fjords National Park on this...
Seward小镇|Alaska 的最后一站,已经接近阿拉斯加的最南端。从 Anchorage 出发,沿着 Seward Highway 驱车前行,沿途的海岸线风光和雪山公路绝对值得一试。原本以为住在渔村,每天都能品尝到新鲜的阿拉斯加雪蟹和各种海鲜,结果却大失所望😅。疫情期间,餐厅人手不足,九成都关门了,剩下的几家也并不尽如人意。只能在家修...
🚗 从Anchorage出发,我们驱车前往Seward。九月是淡季,订车反而更容易,价格也更实惠。沿途的风景如画,尤其是Chugach State Park,简直美得让人窒息。沿着海湾的公路,我们还看到了火车的铁轨,可能是Alaska Railroad的线路。🏡 我们住在AirBnb的一间小木屋,虽然建在树林里,但家具设施都很现代,非常舒适。第二天一早,我...