How Do You Get Rid of Sewer Smell in the Basement after a Flood? If your basement still smells like sewage even after a thorough cleaning, the most likely culprits are your pipes, vents, or drains. This means that the first thing you must do is identify the specific source (or source...
I want to thank you for having an easy to use site. I had been dealing with a "smell" in my home that came and went. I have a cat that occasionally brings in a mouse,bird or larger critter that will pass on while in the house. This was the type of smell. Death. No simpler w...
Clothes dryer sheets used as fabric softener or to make your dry clothes "smell nicer" - the quantity of chemical in these sheets is unlikely to be sufficient to damage the septic tank bacteria, but the synthetic fabric from which dryer sheets are made will not break down in the septic tan...
How Do You Get Rid of Sewer Smell in the Basement after a Flood? If your basement still smells like sewage even after a thorough cleaning, the most likely culprits are your pipes, vents, or drains. This means that the first thing you must do is identify the specific source (or source...