(Eds.), Recycling and Reuse of Sewage Sludge. Thomas Telford, London, pp. 273-285.Towers, W., Horne, P., Paterson, E., Coull, M., 2001. Recycling of sewage sludge to land, scientific and practical considerations. In: Dhir, R.K., Limbachiya, M.C., McCarthy, M.J. (Eds.), ...
More stringent controls on the quality of wastewater discharges have given rise to increasing volumes of sewage sludge for disposal, principally to land, using either land-spreading or sludge-to-landfill operations. Current sludge-to-landfill methods generally involve mixing the concentrated sludge with...
Exposure assessments were carried out to compare the effect of various sewage sludge and cattle manure land application scenarios on human PCDD/F exposure. Background exposure was estimated at 4.9 pg TEQ/kg bw/day and it was found that land application of sewage sludge and cattle manure at ...
Land treatmentPhSewage sludgeSludge treated soilSome of the major concerns when applying sewage sludge to land include the potential effect on pH and cation exchange capacity; the mobility and the accumulation of heavy metals in sludge treated soil; the potential of applying too much nutrients and ...
sewage sludgeU.S. Environmental Protection Agencyvegetative community development patterndoi:10.2134/1994.sewagesludge.c11C. E. ClappW. E. LarsonR. H. DowdyAnne FairbrotherC. M. KnappJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdFairbrother, A., and C. M. Knapp. 1994. Ecological aspects of land spread- ing ...
Effects of land disposal of sewage sludge on grass and soil environment were studied. The sewage sludge used was from Northern Shenyang Wastewater Treatment Plant. The results showed that contents of nutrient in the soil were increased after sewage sludge application, especially for organic matter. ...
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context due to population growth and urbanization. Due to the complex sources of sewage, sewage sludge, as well as the compost orADresidues produced from it, have more restrictions thananimal manurefor land application. Public health concerns about the transportation and fate of various contaminants,...
about economical sludge management. The generators and vendors depend on productive agriculture for a safe and economic food supply. But differences in the primary interest of different groups help to explain why intelligent, knowledgeable, concerned people can have very different views regarding land ap...
Modelling of nitrate leaching from arable land into unsaturated soil and chalk 1. Development of a management model for applications of sewage sludge and f... N. (1997b), "Modelling of nitrate leaching from arable land into unsaturated soil and chalk 2. Model confirmation and application to ag...