SEW-EURODRIVE早已不仅仅只是一家电机制造商。作为由企业主亲自经营管理的一家隐形冠军企业,我们已经发展成为全球领先的驱动技术制造商——是一家真正的家族式国际化企业。 22,000名员工 900多位工程师、800位研究人员、约250位培训生和在校大学生、全球各地研发、生产和销售部门中的数千名员工:他们每天都干劲十足,...
SEW-EURODRIVE早已不仅仅只是一家电机制造商。作为由企业主亲自经营管理的一家隐形冠军企业,我们已经发展成为全球领先的驱动技术制造商——是一家真正的家族式国际化企业。 22,000名员工 900多位工程师、800位研究人员、约250位培训生和在校大学生、全球各地研发、生产和销售部门中的数千名员工:他们每天都干劲十足,致...
Welcome to the world of drive technology - with one of the world's leading specialists. Here you can move a lot and make progress yourself. Working at SEW-EURODRIVE offers you the best prospects and benefits. As a family-owned company and global player, we cultivate a corporate culture in...
News from SEW-EURODRIVE Simple! Safe! Future-proof! Drivetrain with MOVI C® Feb 28, 2025 •Our MOVI C® modular automation system is your full-service provider for all automation tasks. One manufacturer, one comprehensive end-to-end...MOVI C® modular automation system ...
Automation has a name: Maxolution® your way to smart factory Contact formWorldwide locations365 Days Services SEW-EURODRIVE is a family owned company which is a technology leader in its area of business.Working for SEW is very much like being part of a family without compromising on opportun...
德国赛威Sew-Eurodrive减速机SA37/T DR63L4/BR/HR 现货供应特价 深圳市吉尔传动设备有限公司2年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市龙岗区 ¥3287.00 eurodrive减速机 S-E-W 德国四大系列减速机,硬齿面结构 深圳市诺尔威传动设备有限公司1年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
SEW-EURODRIVE 伺服电机 CMP63S/BP/KY/AKOH/SB1 全新包装 议价 东莞威茨自动化设备科技有限公司2年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 东莞市 ¥16000.90 DRS160MS/FF/TH90.7150606801.0001.14SEW-EURODRIVE电机德国 青岛晟财隆贸易有限公司1年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
SEW-EURODRIVE has been helping customers boost their productivity for more than 90 years. Solutions from SEW-EURODRIVE can be found all over the world, from fast, dynamic and highly accurate applications, as used in discrete manufacturing, to large and powerful applications as used in the ...
As one of the global market leaders in drive technology we know how streamlined and precise the processes in the airport industry are. SEW-EURODRIVE is well-versed with the requirements of the airport industry: Whether you need baggage transportation, sorting or distribution, we deliver proven and...