A sowbug. A kind of covered shed, formerly used by besiegers in filling up and passing the ditch of a besieged place, sapping and mining the wall, etc. To scatter, disperse, or plant (seeds). To spread abroad; to propagate.
1.'sow' If yousowseeds, you plant them in the ground. The past tense ofsowissowed.The past participle can be eithersownorsowed.Sownis more common. An enemy came andsowedweeds among the wheat. Spring wheat shouldbe sownas early as you can get the land ready. ...
Inflectionsof 'sew' (v): (⇒ conjugate) sews v 3rd person singular sewing v pres p sewed v past sewn v past p sewed v past p WordReference English-ChineseDictionary © 2025: 主要翻译 英语中文 sew⇒vi(hobby, activity: stitch)SCSimplified Chinese做针线活zuò zhēn xiàn huó ...
pass on stories (idiom); to sow dissension— 搬口 · 搬唇递舌 也可见: sew动— 缝动 · 缝纫动 · 缝絍动 · 绲动 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) [...] involves injecting seeds directly ...
want to save up a small amount of resources now, we are actually giving up a lot of talents and in doing so we are sowing the seeds of the youth problem. legco.gov.hk 但是,如果我們為了節省眼前的少許資 源,我們不單是放棄了不少人才,我們其實亦是為青少年 問 題 種 下禍 根。 legco.go...
Sow Sow is a word that refers to the act of spreading seeds in a field. Sowing is done in the hope of reaping a crop later on. Sowing is the present tense while sowed is the past tense of this verb that is very important for the farmers. Whenever you think you have heard the word...
through me, states loud and clear that all nations must sow the seeds of peace in houses, temples, churches, mosques, pagodas and convents, in short in all places of worship, in order to free our world of religious wars and so that people are no longer victims of acts of terrorism bas...