For short hair, asew in bob hairstylecan look really great. Different styles and colors can be chosen to enhance the look. Gel may beused on the back hairor it may be leftnatural. Sew in weaves can be attached on both short andlong natural hair. The sew in hair techniques mostly requ...
She cut off most of her hair and donated it, her first phase of braces came off, she had a bad fall that resulted in a concussion, broken nose, whiplash, and full body aches and pains. She turned 11 and continues to grow out of clothes. She has been going to physical therapy for ...
Some women avoid hats in favor of styling their hair, but these babies can cover up bad hair days and keep you looking trendy. This is true for beanies during the colder months and cute floppy styles during warmer seasons. Like heels, a hat can add a polished look to any casual outfit...
Maybe it’s because I’m stuck in the same rut many people are stuck in; the holiday season is almost here, and time AND money seems to be earmarked for buying, sewing, and giving to others, which I have never been angry about except for the fact that my wardrobe never changes and ...
It should also be noted that I like to combine styles. So, I may stumble into a category of Lolita and mis-name it, or completely step out of "Lolita"- if you know what I mean. I will need help with these corrections if you don't mind... I'm not very good at memorising the...
The key is to identify influencers in your niche and pitch them your brand and styles. Influencer marketing does have it pros and cons, and it doesn’t guarantee new sales. However, with the right targeting you can use this effective tool to boost your presence. By using top analysis to...
I believe strongly in letting my children pick out their own clothes and define their own styles, and if that means leaving the house on a 40 degree morning wearing the child's choice of garments, then so be it. I'll bring along a jacket once the child decides that warmth is a desira...
I believe strongly in letting my children pick out their own clothes and define their own styles, and if that means leaving the house on a 40 degree morning wearing the child's choice of garments, then so be it. I'll bring along a jacket once the child decides that warmth is a desira...
My sewing space is in our basement with 8 foot ceilings and the short throw height (50″ from ceiling mount to table top) just was not ideal for the 470 Pro. I could get it to work by projecting from the ceiling to the floor (I know many sewists prefer to cut on the floor so ...
I am going to break the highlights of the year down by month as I go back over my calendar just to keep it in chronological order. January I had my grand opening party of the little shop-in-shop I set up at the hair salon Zen Salon at the Landing in Portland. This was at ...