HDPR Calculator (NEW) Lining Guide Interlining Guide Materials Guide Tool Guide These tutorials have been written by professional curtain and blind maker "Cindy Taylor". They are perfect if you are looking to make beautiful things for your home or maybe want to start learning the skills to start...
Mostly it is, but there are some techniques about clipping and stitching corners that will help you maintain the best, cleanest shape every time. From curtain panels to pillow edges to accessory details, by following a few simple steps, you’ll never bebacked into a corneragain! Everyone’s ...
Sewing Smooth Curves In home décor sewing, there are lots of squares and rectangles. Pillows, placemats, curtain panels… nice flat shapes with plenty of good ol’ right angles. But, if life didn’t throw us a few curves now and then, it wouldn’t be a very interesting journey would i...