Pay your I-901 Fee in Local Currency! Go Sevis . Fee SEVIS Fee Payment Online! Make your order in minutes, Pay in Local Currency. Order Now Sevis . Fee SEVIS Fee Payment Service! Pay your SEVIS Fee in minutes, Lowest Cost; Same day Service. ...
1. 点击进入在线支付网页: 此主题相关图片如下: 2. 点击图中红框所示按钮“Proceed to I-901 Form and Payment”进入支付支付页面 2.1 Form Selection Before Proceeding: You must have a complete and accurate I-20 or DS-2019 to complete the Form I-901 online and ...
首先,需要登录到.fmjfee的SEVIS缴费网站,点击Fee payment进入新页面。在该页面的下部选择FormDS-2019。接着,会跳转到一个页面,需要参照护照第一页的信息填写基本信息,特别注意生日必须与护照上一致。在SEVISIdentificationNumber栏中,应填写DS-2019表上的条形码上方以大写字母N开头的编号。点击Enter后,...
下面讲一下sevis fee的支付过程: 1. 点击进入在线支付网页。 2. 点击图中红框所示按钮“Proceed to I-901 Form and Payment”进入支付支付页面 2.1 Form SelectionBefore Proceeding:You must have a complete and accurate I-20 or DS-2019 to complete the Form I-901 online and to pay the SEVIS I-901...
to print the Form I-901 payment coupon or payment receipt when you complete the form online. ...
J1 Sevis费流程 1. 点击进入在线支付网页: 2. 点击图中红框所示按钮“Proceed to I-901 Form and Payment”进入支付支付页面 2.1 Form Selection Before Proceeding:You must have a complete and accurate I-20 or DS-2019 to complete the Form I-901 online and to ...
submit the SEVIS fee receipt to the Consular Officer to confirm payment ofthe SEVIS fee. 谁来支付SEVIS费用? Who pays theSEVISfee? SEVIS記錄: 您的學校或計劃主辦單位會負責將您I-20或DS-2019的資料輸入到SEVIS(...
一、登录进SEVIS费的缴费页面,选择Submit Form I-901 and Fee Payment。 二、阅读过说明后选择相应选项:I-20(学生)或者DS-2019(交流学生或学者)。 三、进入信息填写页面,填写相关信息,包括姓名,SEVIS ID,出生日期,出生城市,国家,性别,School Code,护照号码等等。
交费网站:The SEVIS website(,在打开网页中的SEVIS I-901 Fee下,点击File the I-901 Form online or Check Your Payment Status,在打开网页中看见 To learn more about the SEVIS Form I-901 or the SEVIS I-901 fee, click the “More Information” button...
SEVP accepts payment by:Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit cards Debit cards (also known as check cards) that have the Visa or MasterCard logo Credit or debit cards can only be used when paying the SEVIS I-901 fee and completing the Form I-901 online at www.fmjfee....