Severn Trent profits on up BUSINESS: Dividend payout - but customers face a price riseChris Morley
Nothing in this document should be regarded as a profits forecast. Certain information contained herein is based on management estimates and Severn Trent's own internal research. Management estimates have been made in good faith and represent the current beliefs of applicable members of Severn Trent'...
New-Look Severn Trent Sees Drain in ProfitsByline: By John Cranage Business StaffThe Birmingham Post (England)
ds 1m a Day Profits Severn Trent Pipes in Pounds 1m a Day ProfitsSevern Trent Pipes in Pounds 1m a Day ProfitsSevern Trent, the Birmingham-based water company that lastmonth told customers to concrete over...By TooherPatrick
Severn Trent profits fall after 0.7 per cent price cutDominic Jeff
Nothing in this document should be regarded as a profits forecast. This document is not an offer to sell, exchange or transfer any securities of Severn Trent Plc or any of its subsidiaries and is not soliciting an offer to purchase, exchange or transfer such securities in any jurisdiction. Se...
The article reports the financial performance of Severn Trent for the year ended March 31, 2008. Floods, corporate restructuring, a contract dispute and a fine imposed by the British Office of Water Services (Ofwat) conspired to cut Severn Trent's pre-tax profit by 40 percent during the year...
Severn Trent Unveils High Profits as Bills Rise
Severn Trent in Full Flow as Profits GushThe Birmingham Post (England)
Markets: Profits look up as changes flow thick and fast at Severn TrentGuy Dixon