(HDRPB) physics errors selected from our internal failure-modes and effect analysis (FMEA).#A list of failure modes was compiled and scored independently by 8 brachytherapy physicists on a one-to-ten scale for severity (S), occurrence (O), and detectability (D), with risk priority number ...
A growing number of systems are operating in real time, which decreases or eliminates the opportunity for human involvement. As the dependence on software grows, the importance of developing and ensuring high quality and reliable software increases. This requires improved methods for evaluating and ...
health and safety, system performance, and subsequent tasks.A suitable variant of failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) was selected in order to develop a qualitative analysis methodology to grade the impact factors, severity, and risk prior number (RPN) of d...
The SVM basic principle is to find a hyper plane in the feature space of data composition so that different types of training samples are located on both sides of the hyper plane. A large number of PD pattern recognition applications of the SVM algorithm prove the superior performance of the...
However, in this work, the Random Forest (RF) is used as a classifier, since it is more reliable, highly accurate, and more robust than the fully connected layer due Sensors 2019, 19, 2964 10 of 22 to the number of decision trees and bagging strategies participating in the process. It...