What Is The Best Measure Of Depression Severity?News Staff
"This is a pivotal study of the critical aspects of adolescent depression," says Harold S. Koplewicz, MD, Editor-in-Chief ofJournal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacologyand President of the Child Mind Institute in New York. "The authors provide us with an insight that has significant imp...
Waist to height ratio was considered as a continuous measure of risk but, for estimating the odds of excess central adiposity defined by the waist to height ratio, cutoffs established by Kahn et al19 were used to define high (≥0.539) and intermediate (≥0.490) levels of cardiovascular risk...
To test the workplace impact of depression when it is stratified by severity and considered in broader context.Structural equation models of health risk appraisal data (n = 39,097) involving 41 measures of contextual characteristics, depression severity, health, and job performance.Approximately 15.7...
46 The finding that mood disorders are more likely than anxiety disorders to be classified as serious is consistent with a cross-national comparative analysis of 5 earlier CIDI surveys that used a less precise measure of severity7 as well as with the results of the more recent WMH surveys.8 ...
We focused on a quantitative measure of suicide attempts. We excluded from analyses subjects with suicidal ideation but no attempts, because of the potential to misclassify them phenotypically: we did not classify them with the control group because a relatively high percentage of these subjects becom...
We did not find any comprehensive measure of cumulative lifetime violence severity as target and perpetrator for use in studies of violence and men’s health. Our purpose is to describe the development and initial testing of the Cumulative Lifetime Violence Severity (CLVS) scale, designed for ...
For the female subsample it was not possible to include a latent variable, with the global impulsivity level being measured based on the UPPS-P scores due the lack of adequate fitting. In addition, only one measure of the impulsivity level was retained in the final model: the positive ...
Although the original version showed four factors, the latent correlations between those factors turned out to be very high in our study (r > 0.8), suggesting that these factors almost measure the same component, with lim- ited utility in practice in differentiating them from each other....
Korean version of the kiddie schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia present and lifetime version In the present study, K-SADS-PL-K was used as a gold stan- dard measure to confirm diagnosis and rate severity of major depression according to DSM-IV-TR15 criteria...