with lots of good music from Chico Buarque de Hollanda marvelously adapted from Joao Cabral de Mello Neto's masterpiece. From that time when TV used to respect our inteligence. The Film is adapted from an beautiful poem called "Morte e Vida Severina", about the life of a migrant worker in...
with lots of good music from Chico Buarque de Hollanda marvelously adapted from Joao Cabral de Mello Neto's masterpiece. From that time when TV used to respect our inteligence. The Film is adapted from an beautiful poem called "Morte e Vida Severina", about the life of a migrant worker in...
with lots of good music from Chico Buarque de Hollanda marvelously adapted from Joao Cabral de Mello Neto's masterpiece. From that time when TV used to respect our inteligence. The Film is adapted from an beautiful poem called "Morte e Vida Severina", about the life of a migrant worker in...
with lots of good music from Chico Buarque de Hollanda marvelously adapted from Joao Cabral de Mello Neto's masterpiece. From that time when TV used to respect our inteligence. The Film is adapted from an beautiful poem called "Morte e Vida Severina", about the life of a migrant worker in...
35 titles Past Film & Video(5 titles)BudgetOpening WeekendGross (US & Canada)Gross (Worldwide) Dog of a Famous Person(2024) (Short)-Severina €400 Severina: Rodjeno moje(2019) (Video)-Actress (as Severina Kojic) The Last Serb in Croatia(2019) ...
Credits 35 titles Past Film & Video(5 titles)BudgetOpening WeekendGross (US & Canada)Gross (Worldwide) Dog of a Famous Person(2024) (Short)-Severina €400 Severina: Rodjeno moje(2019) (Video)-Actress (as Severina Kojic) The Last Serb in Croatia(2019) ...
Morte e Vida Severina(1977) 巴西 巴西 新增资料 | 资料纠错 | 暂未上映 不能评分 看过 0 片名Morte e Vida Severin... 导演Zelito Via... 又名Morte e Vida Severina 编剧João ...Zelito Via... 主演Tânia AlvesJosé DumontStênio GarciaLuiz MendonçaElba Ramalho...
下载App 演职人员15 Tânia A... Aidil Ar... Aguinald... Márcia ... José Du... 饰Seve... Cacilda ... Josenild... Mercês ... Ivonete ... Martha O... 导演Walter Avancini 编剧João Cabral de Melo Neto 全体演职人员名单...
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Morte e Vida Severina演员列表,演员:Zelito Viana,Tânia Alves,José Dumont,Stênio Garcia,Luiz Mendonça,Elba Ramalho,Jofre Soares等