The aim of the study was to investigate whether the new service was able to find and treat as many mentally ill, and especially as many severely mentally ill, in accordance with diagnostic criteria, as the former service. A cross-sectional study showed significant increases of 63.6% in the ...
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the new service was capable of finding and treating as many mentally ill and especially as many severely mentally ill patients as the former service diagnosed on the basis of criteria for poor social network, severe social dysfunction, and severe...
The aim of the study was to investigate whether the new service was able to find and treat as many mentally ill, and especially as many severely mentally ill, in accordance with diagnostic criteria, as the former service. A cross-sectional study showed significant increases of 63.6% in the ...
The classroom is designed to transfer the student back to the special education classroom for severely and trainable mentally impaired and autistic children. Typical behavior problems are considered, along with criteria for entrance to the program. Referral information is followed by a description of ...
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the new service was capable of finding and treating as many mentally ill and especially as many severely mentally ill patients as the former service diagnosed on the basis of criteria for poor social network, severe social dysfunction, and severe...
The aim of the study was to investigate whether the new service was able to find and treat as many mentally ill, and especially as many severely mentally ill, in accordance with diagnostic criteria, as the former service. A cross-sectional study showed significant increases of 63.6% in the ...
This chapter discusses language and memory in the severely retarded. Among the defining criteria of mental retardation, the American Association on Mental Deficiency includes impaired learning ability. Two factors that may impair learning in the mentally retarded are their underdeveloped verbal skills and...
Those satisfying ICD-10 criteria (World Health Organisation, 1992) for schizophrenia, delusional disorder and major affective disorder, and with a clear history of treatment need, were identified by case-note review. Of a total of 21 prisoners identified, 17 had been subject to transfer requests ...