nosebleeds pain or burning in the throat rash with flat lesions or small raised lesions on the skin red, swollen skin redness or other discoloration of the skin redness, swelling, or soreness of the tongue scaly skin severe nausea vomiting bloodManaging side effects (general information)For...
rash with flat lesions or small raised lesions on the skin Rare side effects agitation ammonia-like breath odor anxiety bleeding gums blistering, peeling, or loosening of the skin blood in the urine or stools bloody nose bloody or black, tarry stools ...
Cause: reactivation of a chickenpox virus (Varicella-zoster) in one or more spinal nerves, usually only on one side, more commonly in older adults Symptoms: moderate side pain, tenderness, tingling or numbness followed by a red, itchy, burning rash that travels as a stripe from the spine ar...
Uncommon(0.1% to 1%): Alopecia, erythema, rash (including rash popular), pruritus, dry skin, folliculitis (testosterone topical) Frequency not reported: Seborrhea, urticaria, male pattern baldness, hirsutism injection site inflammation Postmarketing reports: Angioedema,angioneurotic edema, hyperhidrosis,...