Severe back pain interference was defined by a rating of 7 or more. The association between baseline factors and severe back pain interference at two years was assessed using logistic regression models. Results At two years, 77% of participants (1,611/2,109) still reported back pain, 25% (...
:inflicting pain, distress, or hardship severewounds aseverewinter 4 :requiring great effort aseveretest severelyadverb More from Merriam-Webster onsevere Nglish:Translation ofseverefor Spanish Speakers Last Updated: - Updated example sentences
I had the same problem a couple of nights ago. I had sex around 3-4 in the morning but had to stop in the middle when a dull pain started. Within a minute it had turned into the worst pain I've ever had and I was unable to stand or speak. I crawled to the bathroom and my ...
Woman With Severe Headache Randy M. Kring, MD, David C. Mackenzie, MDCM Annals of Emergency Medicine Volume 69, Issue 5, (May 2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2016.11.039 Copyright © 2016 American College of Emergency Physicians Terms and Conditions Figure 1 T2-weighted sagittal-plane MRI...
Other pathologies, such as sacroiliac joint lesions, facet pain, superior/middle cluneal nerve pain, and discogenic pain, were excluded by diagnostic anesthetic block and detailed physical examination. All patients underwent posterior decompression surgery without fusion. In all eight patients, the NRS ...
2025 See all Example Sentences for severe Word History Etymology Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin severus First Known Use 1548, in the meaning defined at sense 1a Time Traveler The first known use of severe was in 1548 See more words from the same year ...
For 4 weeks, a 49-year-old man has had progressively worsening pain between his scapulae and in the lower part of his neck. The pain is now severe, and he takes high doses of acetaminophen and NSAIDs for relief. In the past several days, he has also had paresthesias and weakness in...
MSPMiddle School Partnership(various locations) MSPMaster Sign Program(various locations) MSPMouvement de la Société pour la Paix(Movement of a Peaceful Society; political party, Algeria) MSPMunchausen's Syndrome by Proxy MSPMedical Surveillance Program ...
Severe pain 劇痛 [...] bile duct to the intestine. This would cause intermittentsevere pain,which is experienced in the upper-middle or right side [...] 胆绞痛:胆石可能生长于胆囊管或通往肠部的胆总管,引致腹部中上方...
At this time of economic adversity, many middle-class people also suffer a severe blow, which has even given rise to many family problems. 不要以為只有基層才會遇上家庭問題,不少中產人士在這個經濟逆 境中,其實也深受打擊, 甚至因此引發了不少家庭問題。 Once such re...