able to manage without much difficulty, need to be careful with money; find it a strain to get by, prefer not to say) [23]. We combined “careful with money” and “find it a strain to get by” into one category.
In pediatric trials, visual disturbances included amaurosis (partial/total blindness without visible change in the eye), asthenopia (eye strain), chromatopsia (abnormally colored vision), color blindness, diplopia, photopsia, retinal disorder, blurred vision, decreased visual acuity, visual brightness, ...
As the condition progresses, massage is contraindicated because moving fluid puts a strain on the failing kidneys. In the early stages of kidney disease, the big concern is that the symptoms are ignored or mistaken for something else. For example, the massage therapist may be the first t...
Common(1% to 10%): Back pain, hemarthrosis (testosterone topical) Uncommon(0.1% to 1%): Arthralgia, pain in extremity, muscle spasm, muscle strain, myalgia, musculoskeletal stiffness, increased creatine phosphokinase Frequency not reported: Pediatrics: Premature epiphyseal closure, increased bone forma...
BackgroundLumbar back pain in an adolescent is generally musculoskeletal, that is, due to a muscle strain or scoliosis. This case describes a young individual without any previous health issues who rapidly developed a life-threatening condition, though initially presenting with "only" back pain. ...
The clinical situation likely originated from an anaerobic infection, most probably with a Clostridium strain. We found no clear focus of entry, nor visible external wounds. The spreading of gas surrounding the iliac vessels and inside the distal superficial femoral artery on the right side and ...
Mice heterozygous for the SMN2 transgene on exon 7 disrupted murine Smn background (Smn À/ À;SMN2tg/0) developed a severe SMA phenotype with a mean age of survival of B10 days. As a wild-type strain, the inbred strain FVB/ NJ (Jackson's Laboratory, Stock Number: 001800) was ...
Global circumferential strain was negatively modulated in AR females but not in males. AR also seemed to lead to a more spherical LV shape in females whereas; it kept mostly an ellipsoid shape in males. This can influence validity of mass estimation of the dilated LV in females by ...
Uncommon (0.1% to 1%): Mobility decreased, muscle tightness, muscular weakness, musculoskeletal rigidity Rare (0.01% to 0.1%): Abnormal blood creatine phosphokinase, bone pain, clavicle fracture, flank pain, hip fracture, humerus fracture, jaw disorder, kyphosis, muscle strain, nuchal rigidity, ost...
The SGLT-2 inhibitor empagliflozin improves myocardial strain, reduces cardiac fibrosis and pro-inflammatory cytokines in non-diabetic mice treated with doxorubicin. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2021;20(1):150. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Sato T, Aizawa Y, Yuasa S, Kishi S, Fuse ...