There is, however, a form of osteoma cutis which follows prolonged severe acne with scarring and is consequently rather common. 1 Since uncovering a case of this condition in the skin of the face 2 of a patient with considerable scarring from severe acne vulgaris of long duration, I have ...
Azithromycin Treatment for Acne Vulgaris: A Case Report on the Risk of Clostridioides difficile Infection DOI :10.12659/AJCR.941424 Am J Case Rep 2023; 24:e941424 0:00 07 Jul 2023 : Case report 19,303 A Classical Case of Cesarean Scar Endometriosis in a 35-Year-Old Woman Presenting...
The main limitations of laser therapy are imprecise tissue removal, risk of scarring, dyspigmentation, and bleeding. Other therapies such as surgical excision and skin grafts may require multiple procedures before obtaining a satisfactory cosmetic outcome. Conclusion This case report supports ...
Rhinophyma is a rare disease characterized by chronic inflammation and hypertrophy of sebaceous glands, blood vessels, and fibrous tissue, associated with end-stage severe acne rosacea. There are multiple approaches to treatment and repair, including dermal shaving, secondary intention healing, free skin...
Dermatologic Surgery 33: 159-167.Beer K (2007) A single-center, open-label study on the use of injectable poly-L-lactic acid for the treatment of moderate to severe scarring from acne or varicella. Dermatol Surg 33(Suppl 2):S159-S167...