Nope, not familiar with 'em. So you came all the way out here to search for a Star Piece? It must be REALLY important. This is the last place on land. If you can't find it here... The only place left, is UP!" "So! You wanna go there? Ha! You're an open book! Ok, ...
Faster runners start in the early waves and slower runners in the later waves, with each wave typically starting 15-30 minutes after the preceding wave to spread out the runners and limit overcrowding on the course. Like its American brethren, Tokyo assigns each runner to a start corral based...
Above, a block letter sign reads: "Welcome to the Madhouse." The arena itself glows and flickers like a slot machine in a Tokyo arcade: house lights, spotlights, laser lights, animated electronic admonishments to MAKE NOISE, billboards for Oprah Winfrey and Cirque du Soleil. The in-house ...
Open letter by the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, Dainius Puras, in the context of the preparations for the UN General Assembly Special Session on the Drug Problem (UNGASS) which will take place in New York in Apr...
So, a production lot of Turmons might have a consecutive series of numbers starting with 123xxxx, but this does not necessarily mean the entire lot of some thousand, or mores were completed in the same year as those made when the lot commenced being serialized. The brown leather pocketable...
readers, the name shouldn’t begin with J. I think. Unless you have a really good idea, then give it to me anyway. Oh, also, the baby’s middle name will probably be Everhart, which is the maiden name of my paternal grandmother, so take that into account. ___ Everhart Jude....
The colonel was prevented from replying by the entrance of the footman with a letter, which he presented to Kenneth. “No letters for me!” cried Miss Peppy, with a slight look of disappointment; “but, to be sure, I’m not at home, though, after all, letters might come to me when...
He wrote a letter to Kobong asking Kobong's view on this matter, and the Four–Seven Debate started. The incommensurability in the Four–Seven Debate can be explained as follows: A set of two contrastive categories were not correlative with another set of two contrastive categories. In ...