By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you can cultivate a foundation for personal effectiveness and lead a fulfilling life. Habit 1: Be Proactive Taking initiative and being proactive is essential for personal and professional success. It involves taking responsibility for one’s ...
The_Seven_Habits-七个习惯 The7HabitsofHighlyEffectivePeople byStevenCovey 高效能人士的七个习惯 富兰克林柯维 PRIVATEVICTORY个人的成功---从依赖到独立 •HABIT1:BeProactive积极主动—个人愿景的原则•HABIT2:BeginwiththeEndinMind以终为始—自我领导的原则•HABIT3:PutFirstThingsFirst要事第一—自我管理的原...
7个习惯seven_habit的s.ppt,与成功有约;高效能人士的七个习惯;习惯一、主动积极 Be Proactive;习惯二、以终为始 Begin with the end in mind;习惯三、要事第一 Put First Things First;习惯四、双赢思维 Think Win-Win;习惯五、同心理的沟通 Communication;习惯六、统合综效
所属专辑:The Seven Habits 音频列表 1 [10] -- Mission Statements 699 2016-08 2 [11] -- Habit 3-Put First Things First 659 2016-08 3 [12] -- Time Management Matrix 509 2016-08 4 [13] -- Six-Step Process 497 2016-08 5
Habit 1. Be proactive 主动积极 Habit 2. Begin with the end in mind以终为始,目标结果导向 Independence B、Pubilic victory Habit 3. Put first things first要事第一 Habit 4. Think winwin双赢思维 Interdependence Habit 5. Seek first to understand,then to be understood 知彼解己,要想被他人理解,先...
Wedonot havetolove.Wechoosetolove.Todocarefullyandconstantlyandkindly manylittlethingsisnotalittlething.Thewayyoutreatany relationshipinthefamilywilleventuallyaffecteveryrelationshipinthefamily.HABIT2 BEGINWITHTHEENDINMIND Createa clear,compellingvisionofwhatyouandyourfamilyareallabout.Afamilymissionstatementisa com...
Sevenhabits 你将有何收益 提高你的自信,打开改变之门重建人际关系真正独立与成功的互赖 谁也无法说服他人改变。我们每个人都守着一扇只能从内开启的改变之门,不论动之以情或 晓之以理,我们都不能替别人开门。---MarilynFerguson 七个习惯 习惯一:主动积极习惯二:以终为始习惯三:要事第一习惯四:双赢思维...
听友35310586创作的有声书作品The Seven Habits,目前已更新20个声音,收听最新音频章节[19] -- Habit 7-Sharpen The Saw。
Habit 7 - Sharpen the sawThis one is fundamental in order to survive. Better consultant is the one with deeper skills. Become a SME (subject matter expert), but do not pigeon hole your self into too narrow area of expertise. It might become obsolete tomorrow. Stay tuned with what happens...
参考书: Stephen Covey: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People [中译本《高效能人士的七个习惯》,中国青年出版社,2004] 参考书: Stephen Covey: The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness [中译本《高效能人士的第八个习惯》,中国青年出版社,2005]...