7-Eleven, Inc. has always focused on innovations to improve the customer experience, and that includes offering alternative fuel options — specifically, electric vehicle charging stations. Through 7Charge™, the company’s electric vehicle fast charging network and app, 7-Eleven is focused on pro...
My eleven-year-old knows that if she rides her bicycle without a helmet she’ll be grounded from it for a month. One head injury can ruin a life. Along the same lines, do not let children hit soccer balls with their heads. Soccer balls are heavy. Repeatedly slamming a child’s head...
—What’s three and twenty-seven?—___.[ ]“夕阳明灭乱山中,落叶寒泉听不穷。已忍伶俜十年事,心持半偈万缘空。”这首《偶成》,是革命人士()的绝笔。 “夕阳明灭乱山中,落叶寒泉听不穷。已忍伶俜十年事,心持半偈万缘空。”这首《偶成》,是革命人士()的绝笔。下列...