Biblical Significance: In the Bible, the number seven appears frequently, often symbolizing completeness, perfection, or divine intervention. There are seven days of creation, seven deadly sins, and seven virtues. These biblical associations have contributed to the number's enduring...
symbols of the remaining metals incorporated a cross to signify the connection between alchemy and religion. In addition to a cross, copper was denoted by a full circle because of its red color, which resembles gold more than the other metals. In this was ...
spear.The symbolsoftheremainingmetals incorporatedacrosstosignifythe connectionbetweenalchemyand religion.Inadditiontoacross,copper wasdenotedbyafullcirclebecauseof itsredcolor,whichresemblesgold morethantheothermetals.Inthiswas thecoppersymbolcametoresemblea handmirrorandwasoftencalled looking-glassofVenus. As...
Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins in Roman Catholic theology. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sloth is the ‘culpable lack of physical or spiritual effort.’
Pride, in Roman Catholic theology, one of the seven deadly sins, considered by some to be the gravest of all sins. In the theological sense, pride is defined as an excessive love of one’s own excellence. As a deadly sin, pride is believed to generate ot