), also known as the "7 Demon Lords", "Seven Deadly Digimon", or "Mao Digimon", are a group of Demon Lord Digimon who each represent one of the seven deadly sins. They are primarily based on the "Princes of Hell" in Peter Binsfeld's "Princes of Hell",[3] also called the "...
译文示例:11 The prophecy concerning seven shepherds and eight dukes (“princes,” The New English Bible) was to find its primary, or most important, fulfillment long after the birth of Jesus, the “ruler in Israel, whose origin is from early times.” ↔ 11 A ulaoch el kirir tirke el...
七宗罪(拉丁语:septem peccata mortalia;英语:seven deadly sins),天主教称七罪宗,或称七大罪或七原罪,属于天主教教义中对人类恶行的分类。归入这一类别的,能够直接形成其他不道德的行为或习惯。罪行分别为:傲慢、嫉妒、暴怒、懒惰、贪婪、暴食和色欲。简介 最初,受过古希腊神学及哲学的修士埃瓦格里乌斯·...