The Dark Triad represents a cluster of antisocial personality variables that may be valuable in the revision of the conventional Five Factor Model (FFM). This socially malevolent collection of traits exhibits compelling associations with alternative personality frameworks, and therefore appears to lie, ...
Due to being indexed as a In Armor character type, they do not have visual traits assigned. Relations Add a Relation Appears as |Edit Assignments The Seven Deadly Sins (Series)(2012) The Seven Deadly Sins(2014) The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of the Commandments(2018) ...
Like all spots where people gather, the climbing gym is a microcosm of the macro, a place where our unique traits, quirks, and personality ticks are brought to the forefront through the stressors of climbing—but where certain larger patterns also emerge, highlighting the universality of the hu...
Hugois a character from the 动画The Seven Deadly Sins. Due to being indexed as a In Armor character type, they do not have visual traits assigned. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别男性 眼睛的颜色Unknown 头发颜色Unknown 头发长度Unknown Apparent AgeUnknown ...
grandiose personality without empathy, who while he tries to restore his failed masculinity allows the populace under him to enjoy what Masterson terms “closet narcissism,”42so that the nation feels “ecstasy” as “chosen ones” who are so strong they cannot be defeated. Nations g...
The aim of the present study was to determine if a general factor of personality (GFP) could be extracted from a collection of sub-clinical antisocial personality traits. A total of 1505 adults completed the Short-D3 assessing the Dark Triad traits of narcissism, psychopathy, and ...
Further analyses of the VAVS subscales and the Dark Triad traits revealed significant positive correlations between nearly all traits assessed. Implications of these findings for the Dark Triad cluster and the overall comprehensiveness of contemporary personality frameworks are discussed....
Mate preference research predominantly focused on what people desire in a romantic partner, i.e., dealmakers. It was demonstrated that undesirable traits (dealbreakers) may weigh more in mate choice decisions than desirable traits. We conducted four studies to investigate the key dimensions on ...