In seven days,God created the world.And in seven seconds I shattered mine. 上帝只用了7天创造世界,但我只用了7秒就摧毁了自己的世界 句子的出处 七磅 更多《七磅》名句 收录这个句子的句集(5)> 可能感兴趣的其它句子
Tony Chakar, ‘Breathe’ photo-essay from The Eighth Day, Lebanon, 2009Paul Klee, Angelus Novus, 1920Jocelyne SaabA Suspended LifeBurhan Alawiya's 1981 film Bayrut al-Liqaa (Beirut, The Meeting, dialogues by Ahmad Baydoun)destruction of language...
Gerron Herring English 1020 Dr. Oneal Movie Review: Seven Pounds “God created the earth in seven days and I shattered mine in seven sec”. This quote from the...
Learn about where the 7 days of the week come from and who named the days of the week. Also see how the planets and different gods relate to the...
And I focus on the first words, the model of anex nihilo creationin seven days.Elohim, the God in question, is not creating the Earth, a small planet in a peripheral astral system. Elohim is creating all the global mess. The universe, the primary forces, the light. Let’s take a clo...
一周七天的来历seven_days_of_a_week Whytherearesevendaysinaweek?BecauseintheBibleGodusedsixdaystocreatetheworld,andrestontheseventhday.1 InthebeginningGodcreatedtheheavenandtheearth.•••AndGodcalledthelightDay,andthedarknesshecalledNight.Andtheeveningandthemorningwerethefirstday.AndGodcalledthe...
Whytherearesevendaysinaweek?BecauseintheBibleGodusedsixdaystocreatetheworld,andrestontheseventhday.1 InthebeginningGodcreatedtheheavenandtheearth. AndGodcalledthelightDay,andthedarknesshecalledNight.Andtheeveningandthemorningwerethefirstday. AndGodcalledthefirmamentHeaven.Andtheeveningandthemorningwerethesecondda...
World’s creation in seven days - When God began to create the heavens and the earth— the earth was without shape or form, it was dark over the deep
daystocreatetheworld,andrest ontheseventhday. 2 InthebeginningGodcreatedtheheavenandtheearth. •AndGodcalledthelightDay,andthedarknesshecalledNight. Andtheeveningandthemorningwerethefirstday. •AndGodcalledthefirmamentHeaven.Andtheeveningandthe
Seven days from now I will make the rains pour down on the earth. And it will rain for forty days and forty nights, until I have wiped from the earth all the living things I have created.”English Standard VersionFor in seven days I will send rain on the earth forty days and forty...