最后找到了 seurat 的官方镜像 satijalab/seurat。 使用R 解释器验证 library(Seurat) library(SeuratDisk) 一了百了,折腾了一天,那个男人终于到手。 附硬核的 Dockerfile,很简洁。 # Dockerfile for Seurat 4.3.0FROMrocker/r-ver:4.2.0# Set global R optionsRUNecho"options(repos = 'https://cloud.r-pro...
─ building ‘SeuratDisk_0.0.0.9021.tar.gz’ 将程序包安装入‘/home/xxx/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.3’ (因为‘lib’没有被指定) ERROR: dependency ‘hdf5r’ is not available for package ‘SeuratDisk’ * removing ‘/home/xxx/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.3/SeuratDisk’ Warning m...
RStudio 载入SeuratDisk报错 在终端R安装了SeuratDisk,并且可以载入,但是在网页RStudio则载入报错: > library(SeuratDisk) 错误: package or namespace load failed for ‘SeuratDisk’ in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...): 无法载入共享目标对象‘.../Rlibrary/hdf5r/libs/hdf5r.so’:: libhdf5_...
# 3.使用library(Seurat)library(SeuratDisk)setwd('/home/name/path_to_your_files/')# 转换 .h5ad 文件为 .h5seurat 文件Convert("./data/Global_lognormalised.h5ad",assay="RNA",dest="h5seurat",overwrite=TRUE)# 读取 .h5seurat 文件为 Seurat 对象seurat_object<-LoadH5Seurat("./data/Global_logn...
if(!requireNamespace("remotes",quietly=TRUE)) { install.packages("remotes") }remotes::install_github("mojaveazure/seurat-disk") Dependencies SeuratDisk depends on the following non-standard packages: Releases No releases published Contributors5...
My code is as follows install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("mojaveazure/seurat-disk") error is as follows 停止执行 ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'SeuratDisk' removing 'C:/Users/user/Documents/R/win-library/4.0/SeuratD...
R包hdf5r安装失败 SeuratDisk 安装失败 R包hdf5r安装失败Found hdf5 with version: 1.8.12configure: error: The version of hdf5 installed on your system is not sufficient. Please ensure that at least version 1.8.13 is installedERROR: configuration failed for package ‘hdf5r’...
devtools::install_github("mojaveazure/seurat-disk")# 然后我换了本地安装还是保错install.packages('D:/IEDown/seurat-disk-master.zip', repos = NULL)以下是错误信息:Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub: Timeout was reached: [api.github.com] Connection timeout after 10003 ms我...
I also get the Error: Missing required datasets 'levels' and 'values' when adding cell-level metadata whilst using LoadH5Seurat(). I am using the latest version of SeuratDisk_0.0.0.9020 and anndata 0.8.0. Did anyone manage to solve this issue? michaeleekk commented May 1, 2022 I got ...
─ building ‘SeuratDisk_0.0.0.9009.tar.gz’ Warning: invalid uid value replaced by that for user 'nobody' Warning: invalid gid value replaced by that for user 'nobody' installingsourcepackage ‘SeuratDisk’ ... ** using staged installation ...