简化版DotPlot 3. 如何看源码 怎么才能查看R语言某个包某函数源码? (1)查看S3形式的实现代码 > getAnywhere("[[<-.data.frame") > `[[<-.data.frame` function (x, i, j, value) { if (!all(names(sys.call()) %in% c("", "value"))) ... 例2:找lattice包的qq函数的实现: > library(...
(ImDEGs),col.min=-2, col.max=2) p_dotplot_f$data <- dotplot_f_data p_dotplot_f <- p_dotplot_f + coord_flip() p_dotplot_f <- p_dotplot_f+ scale_color_gradient2(high="red",mid = "lightgrey",low ="darkblue", midpoint = 0) + theme_classic()+ theme(axis.text.x ...
DotPlot(object = comb6, features = c("Tcf7l2", "Lef1", "Pygo2", "Tle1", "Ctnnb1", "Axin2", "Gsk3b"), group.by = "mycells", split.by = "ages", cols = c("red", "blue", "green", "orange", "purple")) Has anyone worked out a solution to the problem? I would ...
scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") + scale_edge_color_continuous(low = "grey80", high = "red") # 把数据删除 sce@meta.data = sce@meta.data[,-grep("snn_res.",ids,value = T)] # 然后用文章给的 0.5 sce = FindClusters(sce, resolution = 0.5) 这两张图显示了不同的分辨率情况下的...
Restore draw.lines to DoHeatmap, maintain size of color bar with different number of features (#1429) Enable split.by parameter for ScaleData Add slot parameter to FeaturePlot (#1483) Add assay parameter to DotPlot (#1404) Changed Fix to color options for VlnPlot with split.by option (#14...
c("blue","white","red"),# Three-color gradient "Greens")) p 结果如下: 颜色调整: p <- plot_heatmap(dataset = scRNA_int, n = 6, markers = markers, sort_var = c("seurat_clusters","sample"), anno_var = c("seurat_clusters","sample","percent.mt"), ...
DotPlot(scedata, features = unique(top2$gene))+coord_flip()+theme_bw()+theme(panel.grid = element_blank())+scale_color_gradientn(values= seq(0,1,0.2),colours = c('#330066','#336699','#66CC66','#FFCC33'))+#颜色渐变设置labs(x=NULL,y=NULL)+guides...
带有split.by 参数的 DotPlot() 函数可用于查看不同条件下的保守细胞类型标记,显示表达水平和簇中表达任何给定基因的细胞百分比。在这里,我们为 14 个簇中的每一个绘制了 2-3 个强标记基因。 # NEEDS TO BE FIXED AND SET ORDER CORRECTLYIdents(ifnb)<-factor(Idents(ifnb),levels=c("pDC","Eryth","Mk...
DimPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = sce, figure_plot =TRUE) (3)Cluster_Highlight_Plot:单独显示特定细胞群 Idents(sce) ="RNA_snn_res.0.1" p1 = Cluster_Highlight_Plot(seurat_object = sce, cluster_name ="0", highlight_color ="red",
DotPlot(pbmc, features = unique(features)) + RotatedAxis() DoHeatmap(subset(pbmc, downsample = 100), features = features, size = 3) 但是很多小伙伴都会表示官方的出图有点简陋,所以迫切需要升级版可视化策略,但是Seurat包官方并没有在这方面努力,反而是神通广大的各种网友制作了一些打包好的方案,比如前...