It's here: In the RULES block, last bullet point. ibovegar commented Oct 6, 2023 Having the same issue. resetField('foo') not working, i.e. value is not cleared. Calling reset() works. bluebill1049 closed this as not planned Oct ...
我尝试使用 react-hook-form 来验证输入。但是我发现如果输入放在 Material UI 的对话框组件中,react-hook-form 的setValue没有按预期工作,但是当我删除 Dialog 组件时它可以工作。我猜原因是在组件挂载之前设置了值,但仍然找不到解决方案。 该值将从服务器检索,所以我不能使用 react-hook-form 的defaultValues。
I am trying to get the result as JSON object and setValue to the label while using useWatch, but it's not working, if i change to watch as it is working. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Go to '
import { useForm } from "react-hook-form"; const App = () => { const { register, setValue } = useForm(); return ( <form> <input {...register("firstName")} /> <button type="button" onClick={() => setValue("firstName", "Bill")}> setValue </button> <button type="butto...
react hooks确实很好用,代码相比class组件也会简洁一些,但有时候也会觉得对useState的数据更新时有不太方便的地方,比如声明数组或者对象的时候,在设置的...
setValue('notRegisteredInput',{test:'1',test2:'2'});// ✅ sugar syntax to setValue twice Examples import{useForm}from"react-hook-form"; constApp=()=>{ const{register,setValue}=useForm(); return( <form> <input{...register("firstName")}/> ...
actually, that's not the correct usage...setValueshouldn't trigger re-render unless there is an error for the field (react hook form is more towards uncontrolled component). for the controlled component, you should useuseStateandsetValue. ... 我试过用useState来控制输入值,但是还有一个问题。清除输入后,点击提交按钮,出现错误信息,输入的第一个字母I不会显示。
我尝试使用 react-hook-form 来验证输入。但是我发现如果输入放在 Material UI 的对话框组件中,react-hook-form 的setValue没有按预期工作,但是当我删除 Dialog 组件时它可以工作。我猜原因是在组件挂载之前设置了值,但仍然找不到解决方案。 该值将从服务器检索,所以我不能使用 react-hook-form 的defaultValues。