下一个主要步骤在setup_memory中执行,该函数有两个版本。一个用于连续内存系统(在arch/x86/kernel/setup_32.c),另一个用于不连续内存系统(在arch/x86/mm/discontig_32.c)。尽管实现不同,但二者的效果相同。 确定(每个结点)可用的物理内存页的数目。 初始化bootmem分配器(3.4.3节会详细讲解该分配...
我叫Mips,可他们都是x86 - setup_arch 不管是移动端,桌面还是服务器市场上,x86独秀一枝花,MIPS系列的CPU都很孤单!曾今的耀眼到如今的孤单,像是看破了人世间的种种! 网络关于这部分基本都是x86 或者 ARM为主的内容,那么我就来说说MIPS吧! setup_arch 函数做的事情(MIPS,x86,ARM)根据体系架构的不同,初始化也...
#endif /* !CONFIG_X86_PAE */ #endif /* !CONFIG_HIGHMEM */ } 有两种情况: (1) 如果物理内存RAM大于896MB,而小于4GB,则选用CONFIG_HIGHMEM选项来进行访问。 (2) 如果物理内存RAM大于4GB,则选用CONFIG_X86_PAE(启用PAE模式)来进行访问。 上面这段代码检查了这两种情况,并显示适当的警告信息。 #ifdef CO...
CONFIG_X86_PAE */ #endif /* !CONFIG_HIGHMEM */ } 有两种情况: (1)如果物理内存RAM大于896MB,而小于4GB,则选用CONFIG_HIGHMEM选项来进行访问。 (2)如果物理内存RAM大于4GB,则选用CONFIG_X86_PAE(启用PAE模式)来进行访问。 上面这段代码检查了这两种情况,并显示适当的警告信息。 #ifdef CONFIG_HIGHMEM high...
The file 'arch/x86/boot/header.S' contains code blocks for 'real mode setup code blocks', which includes the initial call entry the 'boot loader' would jump to. The label 'setup_bad' denotes the code block for setup error handling. It passes the address of the error msg which was den...
This patch mainly adjusts list of packages installed for x86_64 Ubuntu host and replaces the meta-package 'g++-multilib' with the 'g++-aarch64-linux-gnu' to provide the aarch64 cross-compiler tools and C++ headers and libraries. At the same time, we also tweak the logic for both Ubunt...
井c_lang_cn && 6 The new Arch's player should be looking up Arch's Wiki.It's not a problem.Good Luck 斯文斯人 < 11 突然发现中文很不错,英文很难一眼分清术语和其他 x86eax && 6 use pinyin 霞虫 << 12 arch路过 中文支持不怎么在乎 ATI闭源驱动死活装不上开机70度真的很受伤啊登...
#!/bin/sh echo "Starting aarch64 toolchain setup" stage_dir="/opt/toolchain" tool_verision="arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu" tool_file="$tool_verision.tar.xz" tool_url="https://github.com/SuzukiHonoka/s905d-kernel-precompiled/releases/download/toolchain/$tool...
elif [[ "$ARCHITECTURE" == x86_64 ]] then ARCHITEC="x86_64" elif [[ "$ARCHITECTURE" == exit ]] then exit fi [[ $CPUABI == *arm* ]] || [[ $CPUABI == *86* ]] && printf "%s\\n" "Option ($REPLY) with architecture $CPUABI ($ARCHITEC) was picked from this ...
pte_chain_init();#ifdefCONFIG_X86if(efi_enabled) efi_enter_virtual_mode();#endiffork_init(num_physpages); proc_caches_init(); buffer_init(); unnamed_dev_init(); security_scaffolding_startup(); vfs_caches_init(num_physpages);