Install environment: docker (rustdesk/rustdesk-server:1) on nixos, both run on the same machine, and Ports are forwarded with docker Also tried s6 image Network 1st try: over VPN connection both connected via wireguard to opnsense. Network 2nd try: made server public both connect via public...
A WireGuard public key for a single node, generated with: wg pubkey < example.key > (shared with other peers)DNSDomain Name Server, used to resolve hostnames to IPs for VPN clients, instead of allowing DNS requests to leak outside the VPN and reveal traffic. Leaks are ...
WireGuardis an open-source VPN solution written in C byJason Donenfeldandothers, aiming to fix many of the problems that have plagued other modern server-to-server VPN offerings like IPSec/IKEv2, OpenVPN, or L2TP. It shares some similarities with other modern VPN offerings likeTincandMeshBird,...
supports both running on the host routing traffic for docker or running in a docker container routing for the hostThings WireGuard does not do:form a self-healing mesh network where nodes automatically gossip with neighbors break through double NATs with a signalling server (WebRTC-style) handle ...
supports both running on the host routing traffic for docker or running in a docker container routing for the host Things WireGuard does not do: form a self-healing mesh network where nodes automatically gossip with neighbors break through double NATs with a signalling server (WebRTC-style) ...
supports both running on the host routing traffic for docker or running in a docker container routing for the host Things WireGuard does not do: form a self-healing mesh network where nodes automatically gossip with neighbors break through double NATs with a signalling server (WebRTC-style) ...
WireGuard IPSec (IKEv2)/strongSwan: in my experience, there was lots of brittle config that was different for each OS, the NAT busting setup is very manual and involves updating the central server and starting all the others in the correct order, it wasn't great at becoming stable again ...