mering/vscodesetup-rust BranchesTagsCodeFolders and files Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History122,898 Commits .configurations .devcontainer .eslintplugin .github .vscode build cli extensions remote resources scripts src test .editorconfig .eslintignore ...
mering opened #221301 mering:setup-rust Status Action required Total duration – Artifacts – This workflow is awaiting approval from a maintainer in #221301 telemetry.yml on: pull_request Check metadata Oh hello! Nice to see you. Made with ️ by humans.txt ...
Linter and formatter withBiomea powerful tool developed inRust. Run the tests of your code withVitest. Improve your commitments withHusky. Improvement your VsCode with what is necessary so that your entire team has the same workspace. Base result configuration ...
如果您已安裝 VS Code,則必須確定您具有1.35 May 版本或更新版本,才能安裝Remote - WSL 延伸模組。 若沒有 Remote - WSL 延伸模組,不建議您使用 WSL,因為您會失去自動完成、偵錯、linting 等的支援。有趣的事實:此 WSL 延伸模組安裝在 $HOME/.vscode-server/extensions 中。
vue3-tauri2chat基于vite5+tauri2.0+vue3 setup+element-plus跨平台仿QQ|微信桌面端聊天应用。全新封装tauri2多窗口管理、自定义透明圆角阴影窗体、打开独立聊天窗口。 技术栈 编码器:VScode 技术框架:tauri2.0+vite5.4.7+vue3.5.8+vue-router^4.4.5 状态管理:pinia^2.2.2 本地存储:pinia-plugin-persistedstate...
如果您已安裝 VS Code,則必須確定您具有1.35 May 版本或更新版本,才能安裝Remote - WSL 延伸模組。 若沒有 Remote - WSL 延伸模組,不建議您使用 WSL,因為您會失去自動完成、偵錯、linting 等的支援。有趣的事實:此 WSL 延伸模組安裝在 $HOME/.vscode-server/extensions 中。
mering opened #221301 mering:setup-rust Status Action required Total duration – Artifacts – This workflow is awaiting approval from a maintainer in #221301 monaco-editor.yml on: pull_request Monaco Editor checks Oh hello! Nice to see you. Made with ️ by humans.txt ...
mering opened #221301 mering:setup-rust Status Action required Total duration – Artifacts – This workflow is awaiting approval from a maintainer in #221301 no-yarn-lock-changes.yml on: pull_request Prevent yarn.lock changes in PRs Oh hello! Nice to see you. Made with ️ ...
It's based on the open source Chromium project. If you'd like to use Chromium for JavaScript debugging instead of Chrome, you can still follow Microsoft's guide. You'll just need to add a runtimeExecutable property to the launch.json file in your web app's .vscode directory. Just make...
如果您已安裝 VS Code,則必須確定您具有1.35 May 版本或更新版本,才能安裝Remote - WSL 延伸模組。 若沒有 Remote - WSL 延伸模組,不建議您使用 WSL,因為您會失去自動完成、偵錯、linting 等的支援。有趣的事實:此 WSL 延伸模組安裝在 $HOME/.vscode-server/extensions 中。